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When you're struck by Fate, as a hideous war-machine might strike you, and the whole terror of loss and ruin bears down on you, you're either swept away in an excitement that hasn't any end, or you brace yourself, and become master of the shattering thing." "You are a master," she interposed. "You are the Master Man," she repeated admiringly. He waved a hand deprecatingly.

"You said to my son," he remarked at last, "that you were too honourable to embark in our undertaking. Do you consider it honourable to make use of knowledge gained in confidence for the purpose of extorting money?" "Me dear sir," answered the major, holding up his hand deprecatingly, "you put me in the painful position of having to explain meself in plain words.

Not one of these pink-gilled preachers but a man that would shake hands with me on the squar' and hold me to it. Now, Boy, I like you will you shake hands on that?" "Sure," responded the young man soberly. "But I tell you, Uncle," he added deprecatingly, "I just came into town to-day and I'm likely to go out again to-morrow. Don't you think you could kind of look after yourself while I'm gone?

He paused, and went on more deprecatingly: "I'm not the kind to talk about enforcing my rights, Mr. Waythorn. I don't know as I think a man is entitled to rights he hasn't known how to hold on to; but this business of the child is different. I've never let go there and I never mean to." The scene left Waythorn deeply shaken.

Suddenly desisting from this elegant occupation, his eye caught sight of the parson's shovel-hat, which lay on a chair in the corner. "You're a clergyman, I reckon, sir," said the traveller, with a slight sneer. Again Mr. Dale bowed, bowed in part deprecatingly, in part with dignity. It was a bow that said, "No offence, sir, but I am a clergyman, and I'm not ashamed of it."

Instinctively she pushed her veil still further from her features as she deprecatingly replied: "You are but echoing your sex in criticising mine as impulsive. And you are quite within your rights in doing this. Women are impulsive; they are even freakish. But it is given to one now and then to recognise this fact and acknowledge it.

Milholland informed him. "I don't know what her father does. She's one of the girls in his class at school." "Well, that's just like a boy; pick out some putty-faced flirt to take to church!" "Oh, she's quite pretty in that way!" said his wife, deprecatingly. "Of course that's the danger with public schools.

I think my Discourse upon Knowledge has much to do with the subject, is vitally essential to the subject; does not stop the action, only explains and elucidates the action. And I am astonished, sir, that you, a scholar, and a cultivator of knowledge " "There, there!" cried my father, deprecatingly. "I yield, I yield! What better could I expect when I set up for a critic?

But I do wonder a little, Sylvia" he looked at her gravely "that you enjoy going to that Casino." "You see, there's so very little else to do here!" she exclaimed, deprecatingly. "And then, after all, Bill, I don't see what harm there is in risking one's money if one can afford to do so!" He shook his head at her playfully, but seriously too. "Don't you?" he asked dryly.

Deprecatingly he called their attention to the undeniable fact that these articles had been worn before and had to be rated as second-hand goods. But he hoped that his brother-in-law, Isaac Dreibein, who conducted a second-hand hairdressing establishment in New York City, would take these goods off his hands.