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"I did not mean to hurt your feelings," she answered, with deepening color. "Oh, you were not to blame in the least," he said good-naturedly. "I deserved it." "You must remember, too," she continued, deprecatingly, "that I am a city girl, and not acquainted with country ways, and so have charity."

I shrugged my shoulders. "You are not in sympathy with us?" "Not in the very least," I told him frankly. "Your principles are far too explosive for my taste." Taltavull waved a bony hand deprecatingly. "The universal complaint, monsieur. It is the one great drawback to our Cause that we have as yet discovered no means of propagating it save only by the theory of devastation.

"Well, we must have food and water, if we are going out of the mouth of the river," said Mr Brooke, and he turned the boat's head shoreward. "No makee haste," said Ching deprecatingly. "Too soon, evelybody fas' asleep." Mr Brooke gave an impatient stamp on the frail bamboo half-deck, but said no more for a few moments.

"The specs, lass; these specs'll be the death o' me." Minnie laughed. "They're on your brow, uncle!" "So they are! Well, well " The captain smiled deprecatingly, and, drawing his chair close to the table, began to examine the box. Its contents were a strange mixture, and it was evident that the case had not been made to hold them.

Theo!" rang through the house, bringing Theo at once to the chamber, where she started involuntarily at the sight which met her view. "Who is it? who is it?" she exclaimed. "It's Hagar Warren. Take her away!" screamed Madam Conway; while Hagar, raising her withered hand deprecatingly, said: "Hear me first. Do you know where Margaret is? Has she been found?"

"Hullo," she said, looking up. "I'd forgotten you were coming." "Well, here I am, I'm afraid," said Denis deprecatingly. "I'm awfully sorry." Mrs. Wimbush laughed. Her voice, her laughter, were deep and masculine. Everything about her was manly.

If ever infancy can be deemed uncouth, she was an uncouth little atom of humanity. Her blue checked homespun dress, graced with big horn buttons, descended almost to her feet. Her straight, awkwardly cropped hair was of a nondescript shade pleasantly called "tow." As she came into the light of the fire, she lifted wide black eyes deprecatingly to her mother.

The tone of his appeal might have stirred a marble bosom to pity, but she only raised her left hand deprecatingly as if warding off an interruption, while she worked with intense eagerness with her right. "Christine!" a frown contracted her brow for a second, but she worked on. He looked at her as if fearing she had lost her reason, but there was no madness in her swift, intelligent strokes.

Babalatchi lifted his hand deprecatingly. His eye twinkled, and his red-stained big lips, parted by an expressionless grin, uncovered a stumpy row of black teeth filed evenly to the gums. "Hai! Hai! Not like you. Not like you," he said, increasing the softness of his tones as he neared the object uppermost in his mind during that much-desired interview.

Wot makes you think you spoke?" he continued, peering curiously into Tommy's eyes. The smile which habitually shone there quickly vanished as the boy stepped quietly to his companion's side, and took his arm without a word. "In course you didn't speak, Tommy," said Johnson, deprecatingly. "You ain't a boy to go for to play an ole soaker like me. That's wot I like you for.