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The woman had a pale, pretty face, and stood with a sturdy set-back on her heels. "I guess you don't know me, Mis' Maxwell," said she, smiling deprecatingly. Mrs. Field tried to smile, but her lips were too stiff. "I guess I don't," she faltered. The smile faded from the woman's face.

Go now to Aunt Chloe, and tell her from me that she is to put you immediately to bed." "It is only the middle of the afternoon, papa," said Elsie, deprecatingly. "If it were much earlier, Elsie, it would make no difference; you must go at once to your bed, and stay there until to-morrow morning."

"Not much, but enough to keep things going if you're careful," said Meeks. He spoke deprecatingly, but in reality the sum seemed large to him also. "You know there's an income besides from that fine grass-land," said he. "There's more than enough hay for a cow and horse, if you keep one. You can count on something besides in good hay-years." Henry looked reflective.

The girl looked at Professor Dyer, whom she knew slightly, and said pleadingly: "Won't you defend our administration and our country, Mr. Dyer?" He smiled deprecatingly but did not speak. He was a tall, lean man, quite round-shouldered and of studious appearance. He wore double eyeglasses, underneath which his eyes were somewhat watery.

I certainly had not understood ALL of Enriquez's slang; it was always so decidedly his own, and peculiar. Yet I could not recall any allusion to this. "He told me something of it, but very vaguely," I ventured to say deprecatingly; "but I am afraid that I thought more of seeing my old friend again than of anything else." "During our stay in Mexico," continued Mrs.

But when the storm began to sound, I lost no time in pushing out into the woods to enjoy it. For on such occasions Nature has always something rare to show us, and the danger to life and limb is hardly greater than one would experience crouching deprecatingly beneath a roof. It was still early morning when I found myself fairly adrift.

The troubles of the Flemings would soon be over should Davie prove to be a prop on which, in their old age, they might lean. "He is wonderfully taken up about the work, and the best way of doing it just now, and I only hope it may last," said Mrs Fleming, and then Katie said, "Oh, grannie!" so deprecatingly that they all laughed at her.

Even with the appetizing banquet before them, it seemed as if they might again fall into the despondency of Thompson's grocery, when the voice of the Old Man, incautiously lifted, came deprecatingly from the kitchen. "Certainly! Thet's so. In course they is. A gang o' lazy drunken loafers, and that ar Dick Bullen's the ornariest of all.

But now one of her listeners, a lady also in the front row, leaned forward to say hurriedly and deprecatingly, her face suffused with shyness: "That nice young girl is Madame Okraska's adopted daughter. The old lady is Mrs. Forrester, Madame Okraska's great friend; my sister-in-law was for many years a governess in her family, and that is how I come to know."

"Well, of course, I don't approve of that store business," replied Jimmy, deprecatingly, "but I can't help liking pluck when I see it. Look here, Gabriella, if you're bent on working, why don't you turn in and teach?" "Yes, let her teach by all means," agreed Uncle Meriweather, with genuine enthusiasm for the idea.