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A groan escaped him, smothered into a gentle murmur of protest. "And I thought women were more constant than men!" he exclaimed with something of the baffled and helpless feeling which had overtaken Uncle Meriweather while he regarded Gabriella. The generalization was not without interest for Gabriella. "I thought so, too," she observed dispassionately.

The very core of her nature longed to say this to him; but her indomitable pride, which even passion could not overcome, kept her sitting there in silence while she felt that her heart was bursting with happiness. "Have you thought it over, Gabriella?" She nodded. To save her life, she felt, she could not utter a word without sobbing.

"But, oh, Gabriella! how long, how long the years will be that separate me from you!" "No!" she exclaimed, her whole nature starting up, terrified. "What do you mean? No!" "I mean while I am going through college; while I am preparing a place for you." "Preparing a place FOR ME! You have prepared a place for me and I have taken it. My place is with you."

Do you wish me to withdraw, and yield to you the privilege of solitary admiration?" "It is I who am the intruder," I answered, looking wistfully towards the door, through which I was tempted to rush at once. "I thought you had not risen, I thought, I came" "And why did you come at this hour, Gabriella? and what has caused such excessive embarrassment? Will you not be ingenuous enough to tell me?"

Ever since her first day in the house, Gabriella had been drawn to her father-in-law with an affection which his wife, for all her preoccupied kindness, had not inspired.

I'd thought of sending over to Marion for drums and whistles, if the stores there can furnish them." "Well, Gabriella Trent! I declare you are the benightenest woman that ever set out to raise children! Drums! For them two? My, my! But what won't a mother do for her little ones, I'd like to know!" The words were no sooner out of Mrs. Benton's mouth than she regretted them.

Richard laughed, his old merry laugh, and jumping on the rock over which the waters were leaping, caught the pail, and waved it as a trophy over his head. Then stooping down he filled it to the brim, gave one spring to the spot where I stood, whirled the bucket upside down and set it down on the grass without spilling a drop. "That is too large and heavy for you to carry, Gabriella," said he.

The nurse, a stout, blond woman in spectacles, arrived on the stroke of the half-hour, and after talking with her a few minutes, the doctor took up his bag and came to tell Gabriella that he would return about daybreak. "I've given instructions to the nurse, and Mr. O'Hara will sit up in case he is needed, but there is nothing to do except keep the patient perfectly quiet and give the hypodermics.

It is the fashion; the paroxysm; German literature, German taste, and German transcendentalism; I have tried them all, but they will not do for me. I must have sunshine and open air. I must see where I am going, and understand what I am doing. I abhor mysticism, as I do deceit. Are you frank, Miss Gabriella? You have such a pretty name, I shall take the liberty of using it.

The husband lifts his wife to his own position in society, and his name annihilates hers. The knowledge of your father's character gives me pain, and the possibility of his ever claiming you as his child is a source of deep inquietude, but it is chiefly for you I tremble, for you I suffer, my beloved Gabriella." I looked up in consternation and alarm.