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As Danny Grin's statement was true, Dave could not dispute it, so be contented himself by saying: "Dalzell's map-work at Annapolis was good enough to suit any need around here, and I shall be glad to see Dalzell get the chance." "On that showing," returned Trent, "Darrin shall have the chance if it comes this way." After a quick meal the detachment was under way.

William Dalzell's love had appeared to evaporate; but Francis' had grown more intense and passionate till she felt she could scarcely look at him. But it was true that she had admired his speeches, and that she was ambitious for his success in all his plans.

As the former moved steadily up the narrow street in a long line of glittering scarlet, while drum and fife waked cheery echoes from the silent houses, the latter felt that the day of their deliverance had indeed come, and well repaid for all their toil. Dalzell's boats brought many things besides men, guns, and ammunition. It brought provisions, letters, and news from the great far-away world.

"But with -By the way, who is that girl, anyway?" The girl was tall, rather stately and of a pronounced blonde type. She was a girl who would have been called more than merely pretty by any one who had seen her going by on Midshipman Dalzell's arm. "I don't really know who she is," Dave admitted. "Have you seen her here before?"

"Their shepherds were killed by the blacks," said Deb, as she pushed the ponies up to the wall, and he rose in the carriage to look over the top, "and they buried them here, marking the place with a pile of stones. There were other deaths, and they enclosed the piece of land. Then a brother of Mr Dalzell's, and a girl; and Mr Dalzell himself wished to be put here, beside his brother.

"There's no time for 'buts," retorted Darrin, pushing Farley toward the door. "Find it!" "You'll stay here," ordered Dave. Darrin was already headed toward his friend's alcove, where Dalzell's cot lay. "The dummy," explained Darrin briefly. Every midshipman at Annapolis, doubtless, is familiar with the dummy.

Dalzell's note had been introductory and not explanatory, Miss Thomson could not guess the cause of the unexpected visit. She, however, kindly welcomed Miss Melville, and asked her to sit down, which Jane did with an ease and youthful dignity that was as suitable to her time of life as Miss Thomson's at three-score.

Grey's private dining-room, where, if by any chance Mr. Grey found himself outraged by the placing of this notorious weapon beside his plate, the blame could be laid on the waiter, who, mistaking his directions, had placed it on Mr. Grey's table when it was meant for Inspector Dalzell's, who was lunching in the adjoining room. It was I, however, who was to do the placing.

Tom caught the boat-hook through the collar of Dan's flannel shirt. With the aid of the launch's helmsman Reade drew Dan in and got him aboard. Young Dalzell's eyes were closed, nor did he speak. Then Dick and Dave were pulled aboard the launch. "Dan didn't seem to be able to free himself," Darrin explained breathlessly. "His foot was wedged under a cleat in the canoe."

That took some of the starch out of the Navy batsman, who suddenly realized that this twirler for the Army was up to old tricks. "Strike two!" Dan was sure he had that one, and he missed it only by an inch. Gone, now, was the grin on Dalzell's face. A frown gathered between his eyes as he took harder hold of the stick and waited. Nor did Prescott keep him long waiting.