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"On ne croit plus a son etoile, On sent que derriere la toile Sont le deuil, les maux et la mort." For a fortnight I have been happy, and now this happiness is going. There are no more birds, but a few white or blue butterflies are still left.

Young, well-born, tolerably good-looking, and never utterly destitute of money, nor grudging whatever enjoyment it could produce, I entered Paris with the ability and the resolution to make the best of those beaux jours which so rapidly glide from our possession. Seest thou how gayly my young maister goes? Bishop Hall's Satires. Qui vit sans folie, n'est pas si sage qu'il croit. La Rochefoucault.

"Un homme serieux est celui qui se croit regarde." When Lord Ferriby decided to accede to Roden's earnest desire that he should go to The Hague, he was conscious of conferring a distinct favour upon the Low Countries. "It is not a place one would choose to go to at this time of year," he said to a friend at the club.

'Chat et vieux, pardonnez? said my uncle, quoting from La Fontaine; and then, opening a pale-blue eye full on Alain, he delivered with some emphasis: 'La jeunesse se flatte et croit tout obtenir; La vieillesse est impitoyable. The blood leaped darkly into Alain's face. He turned to Romaine and me, and his eyes flashed. 'It is your turn now, he said.

"Cet esprit que je hais, cet esprit plein d'erreur, Ce n'est pas ma raison, c'est la tienne, docteur. C'est la raison frivole, inquiete, orgueilleuse Des sages animaux, rivale dedaigneuse, Qui croit entr'eux et l'Ange, occuper le milieu, Et pense etre ici bas l'image de son Dieu.

About the nature of women he read in Michelet. But he must send me La Vie de Jesus by M. Leo Taxil. Lent it to his friend. C'est tordant, vous savez. Moi, je suis socialiste. Je ne crois pas en l'existence de Dieu. Faut pas le dire a mon p-re. Il croit? Mon pere, oui. Schluss. He laps. My Latin quarter hat. God, we simply must dress the character. I want puce gloves.

Three pieces of composition I had sketched out were the first monologue: 'J'ai perdu mon serviteur; the air of the Devin; 'L'amour croit s'il s'inquiete; and the last duo: 'A jamais, Colin, je t'engage, etc. I was so far from thinking it worth while to continue what I had begun, that, had it not been for the applause and encouragement I received from both Mussard and Mademoiselle, I should have throw n my papers into the fire and thought no more of their contents, as I had frequently done by things of much the same merit; but I was so animated by the encomiums I received, that in six days, my drama, excepting a few couplets, was written.

«Plusieurs vallées du Jura sont situées entre deux chaine de montagnes qui ont cette forme, et qui se presentent réciproquement leur faces escarpées. On croit même apercevoir quelque correspondance, entre les couches de ces montagnes opposées, et l'on diroit qu'elles furent anciennement unies, et que la partie intermédiaire a été détruite, ou que la montagne s'est fendue du haut en bas, et que ses deux moitiés se sont écartées pour faire place

Like Talleyrand, he was of opinion that "Qui vit sans jolie n'est pas si sage qu'il croit." Artemus Ward's first lecture was entitled "The Babes in the Wood." I asked him why he chose that title, because there was nothing whatever in the lecture relevant to the subject of the child-book legend. He replied, "It seemed to sound the best.

Il s'est mepris aussi sur les caractères de la méthode scolastique de connaître la constitution intime du monde experimental; il croît cette méthode exclusivement deductive." We have felt that candour demanded that we should quote the foregoing passage coming as it does from a source exceptionally well qualified to express an opinion.