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Napoleon's letters betray the agitation which he felt even at the first vague rumours of the disaster of Vittoria. On the first three days of July he penned at Dresden seven despatches on that topic in a style so vehement that the compilers of the "Correspondance de Napoléon" have thought it best to omit them.

* De Marillac, Correspondance Politique, p. 258. Eustace Chapuys, the imperial ambassador, also wrote an account of this strange visit. He says: She was received by the Duchess of Suffolk, the Countess of Hertford, and other ladies, who conducted her to her lodgings and then to the Queen's apartments.

Si vous etes de ses amies, elle vous dira ce qui en est."* * "Correspondance complete du Mme. du Deffand," vol. i. The letters for the succeeding year contain frequent references to Carlisle's youthful passion.

M. Groen van Prinsterer, "the learned and distinguished" editor of the "Archives et Correspondance" of the Orange and Nassau family, published a considerable volume, before referred to, in which many of Motley's views are strongly controverted.

The chapter on the death of Frederick the Great reads like a passage from the Correspondance of Flaubert in his first manhood. In Saint Antoine, Flaubert found the secret of the same mystic inspiration as Carlyle found in Cromwell. To the brooding soul of the hermit, as to that of the warrior of Jehovah, what is earth, what are the shapes of time?

During the winter his wife receives once a fortnight, and he regularly attends the famous weekly dinners of the Princess Mathilde, and occasionally dines informally with some intimate friend; but beyond this he goes but little into society, and takes his opinions of it at second hand; with regard to which fact Sainte-Beuve once kindly remonstrated with him in an admirable letter printed in the second volume of the Correspondance.

I, The Youth of Mirabeau, was published in 1908; the most recent and convenient French treatment is by Louis Barthou ; a standard German work is Alfred Stern, Das Leben Mirabeaus, 2 vols. ; and for a real insight into Mirabeau's character and policies, reference should be made to his Correspondance avec le comte de la Marck, 3 vols. . Hilaire Belloc has written very readable and suggestive English biographies of Danton , Robespierre , and Marie Antoinette . Perhaps the best brief appreciation of Danton is that by Louis Madelin ; J. F. E. Robinet has written a valuable Danton , and likewise a Condorcet . The elaborate Histoire de Robespierre et du coup d'etat du 9 thermidor by Ernest Hamel, 3 vols.

"You would have said, to see the universal astonishment, that never was news so unexpected as that of M. Necker's resignation," writes Grimm in his Correspondance litteraire; "consternation was depicted on every face; those who felt otherwise were in a very small minority; they would have blushed to show it.

The Journal goes on to speak of a subject of peculiar literary and historical interest. April 11th. The publication in 1864 of three volumes of the letters of Marie Antoinette, under the title 'Louis XVI., Marie Antoinette et Madame Elisabeth. Lettres et Documents inedits; publies par F. Feuillet de Conches, and of another volume Correspondance inedite de Marie Antoinette.

One entitled "Marie-Antoinette, correspondance secrète entre Marie- Thérèse et le Comte Mercy d'Argenteau, avec des lettres de Marie-Thérèse et de Marie-Antoinette." Entitled "Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette, et Madame Elizabeth," in six volumes, published at intervals from 1864 to 1873.