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"Those gracious kings are all a pack of rogues. En lisant l'histoire des York et des Lancastre, et de bien d'autres, on croit lire l'histoire des voleurs de grand chemin. Pour votre Henri Sept, il n'était que coupeur de bourses. STRAWBERRY HILL, Aug. 16, 1768.

Mitchell ait la première découvert la comète télescopique d'Octobre de l'an dernier, a bien voulu trouver ces preuves suffisantes, et a ordonné qu'on frappe une médaille, afin de la lui faire présenter comme une marque de distinction que sa Majesté croit qu'elle mérite en effet, quoiqu'elle n'ait pas rigoureusement observé les formalités prescrites par le Roi Frédéric VI., fondateur de ce don.

Young, well-born, tolerably good-looking, and never utterly destitute of money, nor grudging whatever enjoyment it could produce, I entered Paris with the ability and the resolution to make the best of those beaux jours which so rapidly glide from our possession. Seest thou how gayly my young maister goes? Bishop Hall's Satires. Qui vit sans folie, n'est pas si sage qu'il croit. La Rochefoucault.

"Chat et vieux, pardonnez?" said my uncle, quoting from La Fontaine; and then, opening a pale-blue eye full on Alain, he delivered with some emphasis: "La jeunesse se flatte et croit tout obtenir; La vieillesse est impitoyable." The blood leaped darkly into Alain's face. He turned to Romaine and me, and his eyes flashed. "It is your turn now," he said.

Politique plus fin que General Eubile, Bien plus ambitieux que Louis dit le Grand. Pour être Roi d'Egypte, il croit

Against that risk the material guarantee of occupation is necessary. There are two methods in direct contrast: En Angleterre on croit que le moyen d'y réussir est de faire des concessions. En France nous croyons que c'est de brusquer. On March 14 Lloyd George and Wilson had offered France the fullest military guarantee in place of the occupation of the left bank of the Rhine.

This latter affair was known to all the Court at the death of the Keeper of the Seals. When the Marechal de Belle-Isle's son was killed in battle, Madame persuaded the King to pay his father a visit. He was rather reluctant, and Madame said to him, with an air half angry, half playful: "Barbare! don't l'orgueil Croit le sang d'un sujet trop pays d'un coup d'oeil."

Un exposé défigurant les événements des derniers jours ayant paru dans la presse étrangère, le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères croit de son devoir de publier l'aperçu suivant des pourparlers diplomatiques pendant le temps susvisé.

Nuper in former days I too have militated; sometimes, as I now think, unjustly; but always, I vow, without personal rancor. Which of us has not idle words to recall, flippant jokes to regret? Have you never committed an imprudence? Have you never had a dispute, and found out that you were wrong? So much the worse for you. Woe be to the man qui croit toujours avoir raison.

The doctor shook his head, long and slowly. Mrs. Friedland quietly replaced the rugs which had gone wandering, in the energy of these remarks. "You see, Jane, if it's true 'ne croit qui veut' it's still more true, 'ne doute qui veut! To doubt doubt wholesomely, cheerfully, fruitfully why, my dear, there's no harder task in the world!