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'I told you, sir, I should only paint portraits if I were compelled! said the young man, in a proud, muffled voice. He began to gather up his things and clean his palette. 'But of course you'll be compelled unless you wish to die "clemmed," as we say in Lancashire, returned the other, briskly. 'What do you say, mamma? He turned towards his wife, pushing up his spectacles to look at her.

Emile had been away from France for many a long day, and the only English he had ever heard was the vernacular of our Northern Coast. "How's your wife and the kiddies you told us about when you were here last time? It strikes me that they may have had a tumble too." "Well, I 'lows, Doctor, them has been clemmed up on times.

At last he said: 'I know nought of your ways down South. I have heerd they're a pack of spiritless, down-trodden men; welly clemmed to death; too much dazed wi' clemming to know when they're put upon. Now, it's not so here. We known when we're put upon; and we'en too much blood in us to stand it.

This cough; oh, it shakes me dreadfully; especially of nights." "Have you any doctor?" "The druggist close by, or rather, the druggist's shopman. He's a very kind young fellow, from our county, I fancy, for he asked me once if I wasn't a Stowbury man; and ever since he has doctored me for nothing, and given me a shilling too, now and then, when I've been a'most clemmed to death in the winter."

She fell down on the floor with a heavy unresisting bang. The men looked puzzled. "She's wellnigh clemmed," said Barton. "Folk do say one mustn't give clemmed people much to eat; but, bless us, she'll eat nought." "I'll tell yo what I'll do," said Wilson. "I'll take these two big lads, as does nought but fight, home to my missis for tonight, and I'll get a jug o' tea.

But I never had naught to say for mysen, though there was a deal o' shoutin', and old Sammy Strother, as were almost clemmed to death and doubled up with the rheumatics, would sing out, "Joyful! Joyful!" and 'at it were better to go up to heaven in a coal-basket than down to hell i' a coach an' six. And he would put his poor old claw on my shoulder, sayin', "Doesn't tha feel it, tha great lump?

Father were stunned wi' the blow at first, for all Boucher were weak wi' passion and wi' clemming. He sat down a bit, and put his hand afore his eyes; and then made for th' door. I dunno' where I got strength, but I threw mysel' off th' settle and clung to him. "Father, father!" said I. "Thou'll never go peach on that poor clemmed man. I'll never leave go on thee, till thou sayst thou wunnot."

'That little vixen's took a chicken, said Abel, after a time; 'that's the second. 'She only does it when I'm away, being clemmed, said Hazel pleadingly. 'Well, if she does it again, Abel announced, 'it's the water and a stone round her neck. So now you know. 'You durstn't. 'We'll see if I durst. Hazel fled in tears to the unrepentant and dignified Foxy.

There beant nowheres such a good lad as our Reuben; and to be clemmed to death, and froze! O Lord, tak' pity on us, miserable sinners!" For hours Olive sat by the old woman's bedside. The murky winter day soon closed in, and the snow began to fall; but still there was nothing heard save the wind howling in the forest.

But bless yo, he didn't tak in a word o' 't. An for th' tay, he'd naw sooner swallowed it than he runs out, as quick as leetnin, an browt it aw up. He wor fairly clemmed wi' t' cold, 'at he wor. I put in th' horse, an I took him down to t' Frimley carrier, an we packed him i' soom rugs an straw, an soa he got home. But they put him out o' t' school, an he wor months in his bed.