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Ye ken as weel 's I du that them 'at gangs there their doom is fixed, and noething can alter 't. An' we're not to alloo oor ain fancies to cairry 's ayont the Scripter. We hae oor ain salvation to work oot wi' fear an' trimlin'. We hae naething to do wi' what's hidden. Luik ye till 't 'at ye win in yersel'. That's eneuch for you to min'. Shargar, ye can gang to the kirk.

"A'm the last o' the auld schule, an' a' ken as weel as onybody thet a' wesna sae dainty an' fine-mannered as the town doctors. Ye took me as a' wes, an' naebody ever cuist up tae me that a' wes a plain man. Na, na; ye've been rael kind an' conseederate a' thae years." "Weelum, gin ye cairry on sic nonsense ony langer," interrupted Drumsheugh, huskily, "a'll leave the hoose; a' canna stand it."

Lat me jist dook mysel i' the bonny win'!" she added, turning herself round and round. " Isna it jist like awfu' thin watter, An'rew? Here, gie me a haud o' that loaf. I s' cairry that, and my ain bit bundle as weel; syne, I fancy, ye can manage the lave yersel!" Andrew never had much to say, and this time he had nothing.

A wuman's hert's that saft, whiles,'at she'll jist tak 'im, no to be sair upon 'im. I wadna warran' ony lass! Gien the fallow cairry a fair face, she'll sweir her conscience doon he maun hae a guid hert." Thus Grizzie turned the tables upon Cosmo, and sheltered herself behind them. Scarcely a word did he speak the rest of the morning.

'Yes, I I think so, Gladys replied, but she got up suddenly from her seat, and her voice gave a suspicious tremor. 'Money can do a great deal, Mrs. Macintyre, but it cannot do everything not everything. 'Aweel, no. I dinna pray muckle, there's no' muckle encouragement for sic releegious ordinances this airt, but I whiles speir at the Lord no' to mak' siller a wecht for ye to cairry.

"Yon's my bit. I howkit it richt on the verra tap, and ilka year I gang there to make it neat and ordlerly. I've trystit wi' fower men in different pairishes that whenever they hear o' my death, they'll cairry me up yonder and bury me there. And then I'll never leave it, but be still and quiet to the warld's end.

"Ye'll jist tell the bonnie laad to haud wast a bit an' rin her ashore, an' we'll a' be there an' hae her as dry's Noah's ark in a jiffie. Tell her leddyship we'll cairry the boat, an' her intil't, to the tap o' the Boar's Tail, gien she'll gie's her orders. Winna we, laads?" "We can but try!" said one.

I wudda gien a pound note juist to gotten a richt straucht-forrit fecht amon' them for half an 'oor." "You're juist like a muckle bubbly laddie, Sandy," says I. "It's a winder you wasna awa' up the toon wi' them to see if ony o' the sojers wud lat you cairry hame their gun. I raley winder to see an auld tattie man like you goin' on like some roid loon." "That's a' you ken, Bawbie," says he.

Ericson recovered a little, refused the whisky offered by the bookseller, rose, and staggered out. 'If I were only home! he said. 'But where is home? 'We'll try to mak ane, returned Robert. 'Tak a haud o' me. Lay yer weicht upo' me. Gin it warna for yer len'th, I cud cairry ye weel eneuch. Whaur's that Shargar? he muttered to himself, looking up and down the gloomy street.

"Weel, did you ever?" said Mistress Kenawee, haudin' up her hands. "No!" said Sandy, turnin' to her gey ill-natured like. "Did you?" "That's a type o' what ye ca' your men," says Mysie. "Weel, weel; they're scarce o' cloots that mend their hose wi' dockens." "Bliss my hert, Sandy, she'll be awa' wi' the till atore ye get back," I said. "Rin awa' yont as fest as your feet'll cairry ye."