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Louisa suddenly stopped crying and sat up: 'Oh, I know I'm a pig, dear, am I not? she exclaimed. 'Spoiling your holiday. But I couldn't help it, dear, indeed I could not. 'My dear Lou! cried Olive in tragic contralto. 'Don't refrain for my sake. The bargain's made; we can't help what's in the bundle. The two unhappy women trudged the long miles back from the station to their lodging.

"A bargain's a bargain," answered Cosmo; "an' to beg aff o' ane 'cause I was nae langer i' the same necessity as whan I made it, wad hae been a mere shame.

Then the captain hung up the receiver and came back to the waiting room. "Bargain's made, Mr. Graves," he announced. "Pete'll have some sort of a turn-out alongside soon's he can get it harnessed. If you've got any extra storm duds in that satchel of yours, I'd advise you to put 'em on. We're goin' to have a rough passage."

That the impression was general is evident from an epitaph written upon him by Governor Belcher, who may, however, have had some personal encounter with this "rigidity," which was applied to all without fear or favor. "Here lies Thomas Dudley, that trusty old stud, A bargain's a bargain and must be made good."

Never mind. A bargain's a bargain. The young man drew himself up proudly. 'It is so, Mr. Morrison. And you wished me to paint your portrait, I think, and Mrs. Morrison's. The elder man made a sign of assent. 'Well, I could run up to your place to Bartonbury and paint those in the winter, when I come to see my wife.

Here, I guess I can find one cent for you though there's nothing in the paper, I know." The old man spoke with some feeling, his fingers trembled, and somehow he dropped two cents instead of one into Bert's hand. "Here! you've made a mistake!" cried Bert. "A bargain's a bargain. You've given me a cent too much!" "No, I didn't, I never give anybody a cent too much!" "But see here!"

He did not wish the vexed question to be raised again at a meal. "It was practically settled but it's all off now," said the boy, looking hard at his grandmother. "Waller R. A. won't want the place any more. The bloomin' plum tree's gone cut down. The bargain's off, and old Mrs. Prettyman can stay on in her cottage as long as she likes!"

Jonathan advanced towards her deliberately, and clinched the matter: "Well, Hepsey, seein' that we're engaged " "Engaged? What do you mean? Get away, you " She rose from her chair in a hurry. "Now Hepsey, a bargain's a bargain: you just said you'd have to marry me, and I guess the sooner you do it and have it over with, the better.

No, siree, Dunc, she give her word to take the man that fetched the ring that man's Joshua the bargain's filled on his side and there you are. Now, you're constable. I take it right, Duncan, you should give that girl a piece of your mind; give her to understand that, India ship yes, India ship no, she's got a bill to pay and a man's soul to save from damnation everlasting."

Well, there's been a mistake made, and I say a bargain's a bargain." Dead silence still. The speaker looked at 'Mian. "Do you think they understand me?" "Dey meck out," said 'Mian, and shut his firm jaws. "My friends," said the stranger once more, "some people think education's a big thing, and some think it ain't. Well, sometimes it is and sometimes it ain't.