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'I tell you, sir, she's let, Abel repeated. 'A bargain's a bargain! It occurred to him that the Callow garden might, with fifty pounds, be filled with beehives from end to end. 'Mister, he said, almost in tears, 'you didn't ought to go for to 'tice me!

A bargain's a bargain, and, having made the bargain, of course it is your own look-out that you fulfil it. Yes, it was considerate of Williams." "Considerate for himself," laughed Arthur. "He did not come down to give me holiday, but in the fear that Mr. Galloway might prevent my attending.

He paused for them as many as could to take in the meaning of his English speech, and, it may be, expecting some demonstration of approval; but dead silence reigned, all eyes on him save Bonaventure's and Sidonie's. He began again: "A bargain's a bargain!" And Chat-oué nodded approvingly and began to say audibly, "Yass;" but 'Mian thundered out: "Taise toi, Chat-oué! Shot op!"

What you'd ought to have done was to agree that such a school should keep open, and such a teacher should stay, if jest one, one lone child should answer one single book-question right! But as I said before, a bargain's a bargain Hold on there! Sit down! You sha'n't interrupt me again!" Men were standing up on every side. There was confusion and a loud buzz of voices.

"That's all right," growled Buckrow, who was in an ill humour. "We was to work even, and ye ain't been doin' yer part, Thirkle. A bargain's a bargain I'd have ye know, and I'm to see ye keep to yer part of it." "Pipe down pipe down, Bucky," said Petrak, who seemed in glee after the brandy he had had. "It's the drink talkin', Bucky.

Chilcote opened his lips, paused, then laughed in imitation of his companion; but the laugh sounded forced. "My dear fellow," he said at last, "I never retract." "Never?" "No." "Then the bargain's sealed." Loder walked slowly across the room, and, taking up his position by the mantel-piece, looked at his companion.

Old Gabe made several ineffectual attempts to persuade Pitkin to take the colt back again on any terms, and was laughed at for his pains. "You had your choice, didn't you?" Pitkin would say. "Well, then, you can't blame anybody but yourself. Whose fault is it that I got the good colt and you got the crab? No, Gabe, a bargain's a bargain with me, always.

"A bargain's a bargain. You've given me a cent too much." "No, I didn't. I never give anybody a cent too much." "But, see here!" And Bert showed the two cents, offering to return one. "No matter," said the old man, "it will be so much less for my dinner, that's all." Bert had instinctively pocketed the pennies when, on a moment's reflection, his sympathies were excited.

"I have just bought all the edibles about the place, whether in the cellar, the house or any of the surrounding structures, in the ground, above the ground, dead or alive, and a bargain's a bargain as between man and man." "Clever of you, I'm sure," commented Miss Van Kamp, reflectively. Suddenly her lips parted with a smile that revealed a double row of most beautiful teeth.