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And Wingle, fat, bald, and deliberate, chuckled as he dug among his belongings and brought forth the coveted riding apparel. "Them chaps has set on some good hosses, if I do say it," he remarked. "Take 'em and keep your nine bucks for life insurance. You'll need it." Sundown grinned like a boy. "Nope. A bargain's a bargain. Here's the money.

"The second mistake," the stranger made haste to cry, "was thinking the teacher gave out that last word right. He gave it wrong! And the third mistake," he shouted against the rising commotion, "was thinking it was spelt wrong. She spelt it right! And a bargain's a bargain! The schoolmaster stays!" He could say no more; the rumble of voices suddenly burst into a cheer.

Out with my shullin' an' fourpence! None of yer sneakin' ways with me; a bargain's a bargain all the world over! Yer're making a fortin' with my babby yer know y' are; pays yer a good deal better than yer old trade! Don't say it don't yer know it do.

"I wouldn't hurt her feelings for the world." "Faith, nor I," said her husband. "But she is willing, provided she can have the child. She said so only the other day when I talked o't!" "That you swear?" said the sailor to her. "I do," said she, after glancing at her husband's face and seeing no repentance there. "Very well, she shall have the child, and the bargain's complete," said the trusser.

Durgin did not answer. She let her steadfast look suffice; and Mrs. Marven went on in a rising flutter: "Why, you can't have my rooms! I don't understand you. I've taken my rooms for the whole of August, and they are mine; and " "I have got to have your rooms," said Mrs. Durgin. "Very well, then, I won't give them up," said the lady. "A bargain's a bargain, and I have your agreement "

"Serve the owners right, sir, for having their people treated like dogs, or worse," growled the carpenter. "'Sides, I don't see what fraud there is in it. I've worked hard these two months, and drawn no pay. They'll get that, and they may have it and welcome." "That's all very well," said Uncle Dick, "but a bargain's a bargain.

But he only answered curtly, "Unless we are under way in ten minutes you will find I am NOT the second man, and that our bargain's off." But here two men emerged from the shanty beside the ferryhouse, and tumbled sleepily into the boat. Clarence seized an extra pair of sculls that were standing against the shed, and threw them into the stern.

"My dear sir, you have paid," Hewitt said, with a smile. "You paid in advance. It was a bargain, wasn't it, that I should do your business if you would help me in mine? Very well; a bargain's a bargain, and we've both performed our parts. And you mustn't be offended at what I said just now." "That I won't! But as to that Raggy Steggles, once those heats are over to-morrow, I'll well "

"How much have you offered him as a salary?" "Two hundred a month, to be paid out of the funds." "Janet," said Crawford, "it's a good thing I'm married, or I'd apply for the post myself." "All right," agreed Killigrew; "a bargain's a bargain." "A wager's a wager," thought Kitty. "If you wake up some fine morning and find the funds gone . . ."

"Well, I should say that, for the improvements Mr Holt has made, a hundred dollars would be a fair compensation." "A hundred dollars?" "Yes in cash, of course, I mean." "Will you be satisfied with that sum?" said I, turning to Holt for the answer. "Parfitly satisfied so long's it's in cash." "I agree to give it then." "All right, strenger! a bargain's a bargain.