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"Just like-a da pork," purred the Greek, and nodded assuringly before he turned to go aft. The bull-roar of the mate, who was awaiting his return with the rope- yarns, roused Conroy from a scared reverie over the knife. He started; the mate was bustling furiously forward in search of him, full of uproar and anger. "Dam' lazy schwein, you goin' to schleep dere?

"U'm, I saw those tender little love passages between you and William!" Mrs. De Peyster stood a pillar of ice. "Better not let mother find it out," he advised. "If she got on to this! But I'll never tell on you, Matilda." He patted her shoulder assuringly. "So don't worry." Mrs. De Peyster's lips opened.

Some ran away in terror, others instinctively made for their weapons, all gesticulated and yelled. Ned at once went to the man and patted him assuringly. Then he got him to open his hand, which was really severely burned. Then he got a piece of soft fat and rubbed it gently upon the sore, and then made signs that he wanted something to bandage it with.

"Oh, please do," said the troubled boy, full of exaggerated terror at the consequences of detection. "I'll see," said Silk, not very assuringly. "What!" cried Wyndham. "You surely won't leave me in the lurch, Silk?" Silk looked benevolently at his young friend. "It depends," said he, coolly. "Depends! On what? Oh, Silk, what do you mean?" "Don't alarm yourself," said Silk, smiling.

I am sorry," she added. Her tone was slightly apologetic, and he laughed nervously. "Oh, that's all right," he said, assuringly, then stammered, "I mean " He hesitated, and she laughed. "I mean that we can get along," he continued, stubbornly. "Heaven knows I am sorry. But you can't realize what it means to have some one near you who can see."

In their dying moments they begged him to bury them in their cradle. He nodded assuringly, and they lay dead in the moment. Immediately Jussuf called his slaves to him, who were standing in the distance in earnest expectation, and ordered them to carry the dead bodies to the melon. But they refused, certainly with humble excuses, but still with steadfast decision.

The astonishment, agitation, and above all, the awkward confusion of this usually self-possessed and ready man, was so unlike him, and withal so painful, that Grace hurried to put an end to it, and for an instant forgot her own surprise at seeing him. She smiled assuringly, and extended her hand. "Grace Miss Nevil I beg your pardon I didn't imagine" he began with a forced laugh.

"Oh, no, and I am so grateful," Helen answered assuringly, noticing guiltily that there were oil and red dust, besides many somber smears, upon the operator's face and jacket, while the skin was missing from several of his knuckles. It was done at last, and Geoffrey sighed, while the rest of the party expressed surprise as well as admiration when the wheels revolved freely without click or groan.

"I managed a little note to Mark," he said when she had buttoned the loose shirt again and he had sunk back, white and exhausted, among his pillows. "I stuck it inside the cloth. Lord, if I was only on my feet! But you'll do it for me, my girl? With never a hint to any one?" Gloria stooped and kissed him on the forehead. "I promise, papa," she said assuringly. "Unlock the door again, then.

"My friend the magistrate's head is doubtless aching after his great official fatigue!" Sárvölgyi said, hitting the nail right on the head. "It is indeed true," remarked the lawyer assuringly. The young official was in need rather of rest than of feasting.