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'It does not matter at all about my staying up, said Faith assuringly; 'that is, if exercise benefits you. Walking up and down the lane, I suppose? 'No; not walking up and down the lane. 'The turnpike-road to Rookington is pleasant. 'Faith, that is really where I have been. How came you to know? 'I only guessed. Verses and an accidental meeting produce a special journey.

"Do yoh 'spect I could do it?" he demanded excitedly. The proprietor, secretly astonished by the old man's manner, nodded assuringly. "Why, yes, you could easily; it's nothing much; but the Colonel " "Colonel doan have foh to know," exclaimed Uncle Noah. "I comes yere mornin's foh he's up an I 'clare to goodness, sah, I needs de money mos' powahful."

A scared face peers through the foliage. With impulsive kindness he stops and speaks assuringly to this juvenile spy. Losing her fright, the little girl takes a few steps toward the smiling horseman, then stands shyly mute, awaiting more persuasive speech. Interested and charmed, Sir Donald dismounts, and fondling the straggling curls, inquires about the little one's name, home, and age.

"But how could she possibly know that?" cried out Ethel Lacey. "No one except the five of us knew it until Norma told you this morning." "I hope you don't think " began Freda. A hurt look had crept into her soft, brown eyes. "How could we possibly think such a thing?" cut in Jane assuringly. "We can readily understand that Miss Noble's call must have been a complete surprise to you.

'It is not necessary: we are friends, said Dare assuringly. Havill looked as if he would like to snatch the leaf away, but altering his mind, he said grimly: 'Well, I take you at your word: we are friends. That letter was concocted before I knew of the competition: it was during my first disgust, when I believed myself entirely supplanted. 'I am not in the least surprised.

"I hope those dreadful men won't stop our coach," Rhoda said. "They won't hurt you if they do, Rhoda," Tom said assuringly. "I think it would be rather a lark. I say, Peter," he went on in a whisper, "I think we might astonish them with those pistols that coward next to you has hid behind him." "I should just think so," Peter said; "the bargee at Eton would be nothing to it."