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"There is a decided improvement in his manner to-day," he said with a laugh. "He has been quite considerate and apologetic; so much so that I think I shall have to ask him to stay to luncheon; it seems rather churlish in the circumstances not to do so when the man is actually in the house on what should be to him a very sad business. But you fellows must stay too, to take off some of the strain."

We are waiting for my daughter," stated Corson, with a severity which indicated that he was determined, then and there, to rebuke the cause of her delay. "I'm so sorry you have waited!" Lana called to them from the landing, and came hurrying down, fastening the clasp of her furs. She went to Mrs. Stanton, her face expressing apologetic distress.

She was interrupted in her dreaming by Ella's maid, who put her head into the room with an apologetic: "Miss Saunders says she's sorry, Miss Brown, but if Mrs. Richardson isn't here, and will you come down to fill the second table?" Downstairs went Susan, to be hastily pressed into service. "Heaven bless you, Sue," said Ella, the cards already being dealt.

You see, laddie, there's no denying it we did touch them for the deuce of a lot of things on account, and they agreed to take it out in eggs. All they've done so far is to take it out in apologetic letters from Millie.

When the waiter came, a familiarly deferential man with whiskers, Laurie, with a slight look of peevishness, gave his order, and glanced reproachfully at the occupied seat. The waiter gave the ghost of a shrug with his shoulders, significant of apologetic helplessness, and went away. A minute later Mr.

She pressed the electric button, shook hands with him and shut the door. His air was at once apologetic and glad, but all the bitterness and anger seemed to have gone. He stood holding his soft felt hat in his hand and looking through his glasses, very steadily and kindly, Eleanor thought. "Won't you sit down?"

Davies looked blank, but von Brüning had turned to me. 'We never dreamed there would be thieves among these islands, I said, 'but the other night I nearly caught a fellow in the act. He thought the yacht was empty. I described the affair in detail, and with what humour I could. Our host was amused, and apologetic for the islanders.

Forbes's countenance looked so lowering that Mr. Evringham hastened to speak in his brusque and final fashion. "She is here now. Might as well let her stay." Jewel jumped into her chair and turned toward him with an apologetic smile. "I couldn't make my hair look very nice," she said, with the lift of her shoulders which he had come to connect with her confidential moments.

Wendover: 'I hope you won't mind very much if I go for a short time to sit with a friend on the other side of the house. She smiled with all her sweetness as she announced this intention, and had the benefit of the fact that an apologetic expression is highly becoming to a pretty woman. But she abstained from looking at her sister, and the latter, after a wondering glance at her, looked at Mr.

Obediently Anthony guided her through the crowd in the designated direction; in the hall she left him for a moment, to reappear with a cloak over her arm. "I want some gum-drops," she said, humorously apologetic; "you can't guess what for this time. It's just that I want to bite my finger-nails, and I will if I don't get some gum-drops."