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While he was in gaol, Dickens, Macready, and Hablot Browne came across him by chance. They had been going over the prisons of London, searching for artistic effects, and in Newgate they suddenly caught sight of Wainewright. He met them with a defiant stare, Forster tells us, but Macready was 'horrified to recognise a man familiarly known to him in former years, and at whose table he had dined.

"It is sometimes as tiresome and tedious there as a pair of new boots, but there are women with whom you cannot meet anywhere else," said de Marsay. "If all the poets who went there to rub up their muse were like our friend here," said Rastignac, tapping Blondet familiarly on the shoulder, "we should have some fun.

It's almost maddening to write it down to feel that something ought to come of it and to find nothing come. "How can anything come of it? With all his reasons for concealing his real name, he would insist no, he is too fond of me to do that he would entreat me to take the name which he has assumed. Mrs. Midwinter. Hideous! Ozias, too, when I wanted to address him familiarly, as his wife should.

From that the family removed to a place called Tonagh, or, more familiarly, Towney, about an English mile from Prillisk. It was here I first went to school to a Connaught-man named Pat Frayne, who, however, remained there only for a very short period in the neighborhood.

'If your Majesty, Rosny answered respectfully, 'would accept the aid my master proffers, I venture to think that they would vanish the quicker. 'You think so, Henry rejoined. 'Well, give me your shoulder. Let us walk a little. And, signing to Rambouillet to leave him, he began to walk up and down with M. de Rosny, talking familiarly with him in an undertone.

"No, no, Saint-Aignan, believe me or not, as you like," said the king, leaning familiarly upon Saint-Aignan's arm and taking the path he thought would lead them to the chateau; "but this candid confession, this perfectly disinterested preference of one who will, perhaps, never attract my attention in one word, the mystery of this adventure excites me, and the truth is, that if I were not so taken with La Valliere "

Sometimes I met him in the company of his colleague, the "big un," or "baby," as I learned he was familiarly called, a very tall man with enormous feet clad in boots that glistened like great mirrors, who rocked as he walked, like a ship. My friend had very bright eyes. They sparkled with merriment one day when he said to the big un, nodding toward me, "He's going 'ome in the fall."

We afterwards found out that he was an Irishman, familiarly called 'Pat' by some of the young ladies, who seemed to be related to him. We had seen all this when the man-servant appeared at the door. "'Where is Miss Lucy, Thompson? our hostess asked, sharply. "'I will inquire, ma'am, Thompson replied, with the utmost softness, and vanished.

It mattered little how his clothes were cut or of what material they were made; so long as Dora Hastings walked through the rooms and chatted familiarly with him, not a girl present but stood ready to follow her example. Later in the evening Dora said to him, hesitatingly and almost timidly: "Mr. Mallery, I don't like you to think that I was making sport of that Bible verse.

Jinks and Verty, Ralph rose, with a smile, and came toward them. "Ah! my dear Jinks," he said, after bowing to Verty familiarly, "how did you get out of that scrape? I regret that business of a private and important nature forced me to leave you, and go round the corner. How did it result?" "Triumphantly, sir!" said Mr.

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