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Updated: August 29, 2024

"I got just so much right to be here as you," he said, "and that partner of yours too." He hurled this defiance at Morris, who had entered the room on Abe's heels; but the retort passed unnoticed so far as Morris was concerned, since he was absorbed in the contemplation of the presents. "Well, Klinger," he said, "you are making Mrs. Gladstein a pretty fine present, ain't it?" Klinger scowled.

If everything is satisfactory and I see I can't get home before you leave I will wire you." Thirty minutes after Jefferson Worth had returned to his office, Abe Lee came in. "You sent for me, sir?" Abe's employer arose and closed the door. That evening about dusk the surveyor rode out of Kingston on the road toward Frontera.

A saucy drummer-boy, who neglected this precaution, received a cuff from Abe's heavy hand that thrilled the rest of the drum-corps with delight. When Abe's wrath subsided from this ebullient stage back to its customary one of simmer, Kent ventured to return. "Say," said he, pulling over the coats and blankets near the fire, "where's the canteen?" "There it is by the cups. Can't you see it?

"Oh, Cap'n Amazon, what a really wonderful life you have led!" Louise said earnestly. Cap'n Amazon's eye brightened, and he looked vastly pleased. Whenever he made a serious impression with one of his tales of personal achievement or peril, he was as frankly delighted as a child. "Yes, ain't I?" he observed. "I don't for the life of me see how Abe's stood it ashore all these years.

Here Craig paused, as if balancing Abe's virtues and vices. 'Well, I urged, 'who is she? 'Oh yes, he said, recalling himself; 'she is an Edinburgh young lady met Lewis Mayor, a young Scotch-English man, in London wealthy, good family, and all that, but fast, and going to pieces at home. His people, who own large shares in these mines here, as a last resort sent him out here to reform.

"Friends," said he, "a man asked me what I made so mich noise abaat religion for; he said, 'It's all humbug, and I said, 'Thaa'rt roight for once, mon; it's th' sweetest humbug that iver I tasted. It was just in Abe's way to turn the tables on his assailant, and certainly in this case the Little Bishop had the best of the encounter, and the joy of the humbug as well.

But 'tain't a long walk to Cap'n Abe's. Not fur beyond the Mariner's Chapel." Louise thanked him. A young man was coming down the steps of the post-office. He was a more than ordinarily good-looking young fellow, deeply tanned, with a rather humorous twist to his shaven lips, and with steady blue eyes. He was dressed in quite common clothing: the jersey, high boots, and sou'wester of a fisherman.

I tackled him pretty strong. He swore if I talked again about going with him he'd kill me. Old Bill Bradley ran the livery. My horse was in the same barn with Abe's and Bill promised to tip me off when Abe was ready to start. He waited for a blizzard. When it passed he was ready. But I got ahead of him, out of town, and trailed him I knew how.

But in spite of all the road seemed long, and it was as if hours had gone before our eyes fell upon the white manse standing among the golden leaves. 'Let them go, I cried, as Graeme paused to take in the view, and down the sloping dusty road we flew on the dead run. 'Reminds one a little of Abe's curves, said Graeme, as we drew up at the gate.

Feigenbaum looked at Morris' glum countenance with secret enjoyment, but when he turned to Abe he was startled into an exclamation, for Abe's face was ashen and large beads of perspiration stood out on his forehead. "What's the matter, Abe?" Feigenbaum cried. "Are you sick?" "My stummick," Abe murmured. "I'll be all right in a minute!" Feigenbaum took his hat and coat preparatory to leaving.

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