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But whatever its past the P. had now blossomed definitely into Pierpont. Though the said Pierpont produced the wherewithal, it was his wife, Edna, who attended to the disbursing of it. She loved her husband, but regarded him socially as somewhat of a liability, and Society was now, as she informed everybody, her "meal yure." She had eaten her way straight through the meal opera box, pew at St.

Its in the country but I wont tell you where deerie or you mite try to see me and I dont think I cood stand it the way I feel now. But I love you just as much. Good-by. Yure affecshunate Sadie." Win was overwhelmed. Lately she had seen little of her friend. Neither girl had much time, and the weather had drunk all their energy. She ought to have guessed from Sadie's thinness that she was ill.

He thought Paul's brain had been injured by concussion with the rocks and a pitying expression came over his face as he said: "Well, me poor fellow, 'ts no matther where ye're frum. It's me duty to help ye and yure mates an' if ye'll only tell me phere they air Oi'll collect the b'ys an' have thim out. Now tell me as calmly as ye can, how many is drohwned besides yureself?"

I like poor people, but I hate rich ones stuck-up beasts." Mrs. Hopgood was looking over the gate, with her cap on one side, and one of Pasiance's cats rubbing itself against her skirts. At the sight of us she hugged herself. "Where's grandfather?" asked Pasiance. The old lady shook her head. "Is it a row?" Mrs. Hopgood wriggled, and wriggled, and out came: "Did you get yure tay, my pretty? No?

All these salutations were received by the imperturbable Pat with smiles and bows and a cheery remark, as he dodged a dead fish or some other missile aimed at his head. When little farther down the Lane, Pat said: "Look out now, Captain, do ye see the fat woman down there? She's a beauty an' Oi'n goin' to shtir her up. Ye'll hear a flow av iloquence such as ye niver heard in yure loife, sur.

Well, shees heer yit and I like 'er best ov al. She ain't to say real lively, yoo no, but shese good compny, and ken talk good on most enny sub-jick, and she ain't abuv spending a 'our with old Debby now'n then either. She is thee wun what is riting yure names on this verry letter ain't it good ov 'er?" "Who is this lodger?" asked the captain. "I don't remember seeing her."

'Yu bain't been lukin' round zo careful as 'ee shude; there be a bit o' magnolia as want nailding oop, my gude man. 'Oh, be there, mum? zays I. 'Yiss, there be; an' thart I'd carl yure attention tu it, zess she, are zum zuch. 'Thanky, mum, I'm zure, zezz I." "I knows how her goes on," groaned James Coachman. "Mother toime 'tis zummat else," said the aggrieved gardener.

I believe its a put up job and them thats done it ought to be looked after sharp. And what I write to say is two things. Im going to look this thing up. Keep quiet and Ill see a lawyer and do all I can And if the worst happens and them earls is too many for us theres a partnership in the grocery business ready for you when yure old enough and a home and a friend in "Yrs truly, "Well," said Mr.

"You've got some good ones there!" The lame man's face brightened. He had the upward look in his eyes which prolonged suffering often brings. "Yeas; they'm praaper buties; gude milkers tu." "I bet they are." "'Ope as yure leg's better, zurr." "Thank you, it's getting on." The lame man touched his own: "I know what 'tes, meself; 'tes a main worritin' thing, the knee.

Ward, ef you could see your husband now, just as he prowdly emerjis from the presunts of the futur King of Ingland, you'd be sorry you called him a Beest jest becaws he cum home tired 1 nite and wantid to go to bed without takin orf his boots. You'd be sorry for tryin to deprive yure husband of the priceliss Boon of liberty, Betsy Jane!"