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Updated: August 14, 2024

He seems, too, to make a distinction between "you-uns" and "ye." The former is usually the nominative and the latter the objective. When he wishes to convey the idea of past tense, the ending "ed" is popularly employed, but when he may he drops the "e." So he says "know-d," "see-d." But he is not always consistent. He prefers "kilt," the old form, to "killed."

"I reckon he won't," said Randy, decisively. "Not if we know ourselves. Pitch in and help, Nugget; we must light out of this as quick as possible." Nugget was only too willing to lend his aid, and the tent was speedily rolled up, and deposited in the cockpit of the Pioneer, where it belonged. "Uncle Dan may be here any minute," said the boy. "You-uns had better wait."

A puzzled pucker came between the brows of the little would-be prima donna and remained there until at last the exigency was triumphantly met. "I hev it, ma! When's he comin'?" "To-morrer fer breakfast." "Then we must rayhearse to-night afore we kin put it on right. Come, all you-uns, to the kitchen table."

"Hit would make you one o' them in the eyes of the law." "I see. But, really, doesn't that seem rather childish? I could easily convince any court that I did it under compulsion; for that's what it would amount to." "I reckon you-uns would find a United States court purty hard to convince. The judge 'd right up and want to know why you let grass go to seed afore you came and informed on them."

"I ’low it’s mighty queer you-uns don’t recognize the job you-uns kem out yere to take, when I call it by name." From the sheltering flap of the pink sun-bonnet she turned a pair of black eyes full of ill-concealed suspicion. "Miz Yellett givin’ herself as many airs ’bout hirin’ a gov’ment ’s if she wuz goin’ to Congress. Queer you don’t know whether you be one or not!"

The lips paused, then went on. "You might as well tie me up, warden, and cut me to pieces. That's all you can get outa me blood. That's all any of you-uns has ever got outa me in this hole."

He never hev hed a reg'lar blate but two or three times sence he hev been hyar, an' them war when that thar old tur-rkey gobbler teetered up ter him an' tuk his corn-dodger that he war a-eatin' on plumb out'n his hand. He hed suthin' to holler fur hed los' his breakfus." "Don't he 'pear ter you-uns to be powerful peeg-eon-toed?" asked Tim, anxiously, turning to his father.

"Free an' enlightened citizen o' these Nunited States," the man addressed him with mock solemnity, "I brung this dollar hyar fur you-uns." "What air ye layin' off fur me ter do?" asked Ike. The man grew abruptly grave. "Jes' stable this hyar critter fur a night an' day." For the first time Ike became aware of a horse's flank, dimly seen on the other side of the boulder.

"Well," said General Stanley, "we came down here because we were obliged to come. Your people commenced a war, and we are trying to help you end it." "We-uns didn't want to fight, no-how. You-uns went and made the war so as to steal our niggers." The woman acknowledged that neither her husband nor herself ever owned negroes, or ever expected to do so.

"An' so ter-night," she went on briskly, she had truly thought it a very good joke, "whilst you-uns war a-star-gazing an' sech, Wat an' me jes stepped inter the register's office thar, an' the Squair married us. We 'lowed ye didn't see nothin' of it through the tellingscope, did ye? So Wat said I must tell ye, ez he didn't want ter tell ye."

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