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"She's the biggest and oldest in the bunch, and ever since I've been here she's looked like she's got somethin' on 'er mind. Whadda yuh think, Barney?" Barney walked around the yucca, stood behind the extended arm, squinted at the sharp-peaked butte with the black capping, toward which the gaunt tree seemed to point.

He pointed with his pipe to a mountain side twelve miles away but looking five, even in the gloom of early dusk. "Look at that, will yuh! Whadda yuh say that is, just makin' a guess? A fire, mebby?" "Camp fire. Some prospector boiling coffee in a dirty lard bucket, maybe." Casey snorted. "It's a darn big fire to boil a pot uh coffee! Recollect, it's twelve miles over to that mountain.

"Why can't you do what you said you'd do?" She was quite vehement about it. "I got a right to change my mind, ain't I?" "Go, dammit! Why can't you go? You gave them a chance to even up when you ran that blazer on Doc Coffin an' Honey Hoke there in the Starlight. Let it go at that. Whadda you want to hang round here for?

Don't you remember what I said about a knife in the night, or a shot in the dark? Man, do you have to be killed before you're convinced?" "Well uh I " "Whadda you guess I was standin' alongside of you for while you was talkin' to that other feller, huh? Tryin' to listen to what you was sayin'? Think so, huh?" "You shore had yore nerve," he said, admiringly and helplessly.

Miss Sherlock Holmes finds a corkscrew in the wine cellar and is sore because it's crooked!" "Getaway answer." "Whadda you want me to answer, Fairylin? That I'm the master mind behind the " "It worries me so! You up in Monkey's room so much lately. You think I don't know it? I do! All the comings and goings up there.

But he laughed, a feeble, senile laugh, and leaned back, altogether pleased with himself. "A drink," he panted and closed his eyes. "Come again, Miss Whadda- you-call-it-" The nurse's eyes reproached her as she tiptoed out. A pert maid arose, from the hall chair, "Mr. Alden said for me to 'phone the garage, that the car would be here for you directly will you sit down "

Three hours later Billy was awakened by a sharp shake of his sore shoulder and a stinging pain that shot through him like fire. Fire! Fire! He was on fire! That was how he felt as he opened his eyes and glared at the stranger: "Aw, lookout there, whatterya doin'?" he blazed, "Whadda ya think I am? A football? Don't touch me. I'll get out. This the place? Thanks fer tha ride, I was all in.

"No, then maybe you've heard how and why it come to be dug and all?" "I ain't deaf, neither." Racey smiled his approval. "I always said you had all yore senses except the common variety, Peaches." "Hop ahead with yore private talk," grunted the badgered gambler. "Gimme time, gimme time. It don't cost anything. Whadda you think of that hole, Peaches?"

All that stuff in the newspapers about those messengers disappearing out of Wall Street with bonds! Getaway, are you mixed up in that? Getaway!" "Well, well! I like that! I had you doped out for fair and warmer to-day. The weather prophet didn't predict no brainstorm." "That's not answering." "Well, whadda you know!

"Whadda you know about me an' Jack Harpe?" she demanded. "Not as much as I'd like to know," was his frank reply. "I ain't talkin'." Shortly. "Now, lookit here " he began, wheedlingly. She shook her head at him. "S'no use. I don't tell everything I know." "Then you do know something about Jack Harpe?" "I didn't say I did." "You didn't. But " "That's what the goat done to the stone wall.