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"Won't be a joke when we smash you in one innings," shouted Cusack, standing on his seat to give emphasis to the challenge. "Ho, ho! when's that to be?" "When you like," cried the Welchers. "Do you funk it?" "Unless those juniors there hold their row," interposed Bloomfield, "I shall have them turned out of the meeting." Whereat the little breeze calmed down.

Hereupon Mr Cusack rose in his place and asked if the House was aware that the Welchers' cricket club was started again; that he was the secretary; and old Mr Pil the treasurer, and Mr Riddell the president, that the subscription was two shillings and sixpence in advance, and that But here the enthusiastic secretary's announcement was drowned in the general laughter of the assembly, led by the Parrett's juniors, who roared as if they'd never heard such a joke in their lives.

"Yes," said the latter, in reply to some reference by Riddell to the Welchers. "Yes, I am a good deal concerned about Welch's house, Riddell. I dare say you can understand why." "I think so, sir. They don't seem to pull together there somehow, or have the sympathy with the good of the school." "Precisely.

"Well," said Silk, "as I've not much faith in the Welchers' boat in fact, I'm not sure if they'll be able to get up a crew at all I feel delightfully impartial." "I hope you'll back us," said Wyndham, earnestly. "Of course, old Gilks is one of your crew," said Silk. "You know," said the boy, "I'd give anything for our boat to win.

"Look out now!" suddenly broke in Parson, who had been gradually getting excited where he stood; "there's the Welchers coming! Pull hard, you fellows, or they'll cut us out. Now then! Row, Bosher, can't you, you old cow? Yah! hoo! Welchers ahoy!" he cried, raising his voice in tones of derisive defiance. "Yah! boo! herrings and dough-nuts, jolly cowards, daren't wait for us! Booh, funk-its!"

His persecutors did not trouble to pursue him, and a sudden rumour shortly afterwards that Mr Parrett was prowling about sent Telson and the few Welchers slinking back to their quarters. And so ended the eve of the great election.

"No that is," said Wyndham, "yes, he did advise me not to be so much with Gilks and you." "He did?" exclaimed Silk, in a rage. "I thought so; and you " Fortunately at this moment Tucker and one or two other of the noisy Welchers broke into the room; and in the diversion so created Wyndham was thankful to slip away. This, then, was the end of his good resolutions and the hopes they had fostered!

The Welchers would have to be a precious deal more cunning than this if they expected to score off them. The footsteps advanced and reached the door. There was a brief pause, the handle turned, Parson gave the signal, and next moment Mr Parrett entered the study!

The practice for the Rockshire match, as well as the play of the newly-started Welchers' club, was for the time completely suspended; and it was evident that until the election was over there was no prospect of seeing the school in its right mind again. The day before the event was a busy and anxious one for the captain. Pilbury, Cusack, and Philpot wanted to get their hair cut.

The House instantly divided, and before either Pilbury or Philpot could make up their minds about proceeding, the motion had been declared lost by a majority of three hundred odd to one. In a great state of wrath the injured Welchers left the hall, making as much noise as they possibly could in doing so.