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"But, voyons, Vicomte, why make an assignation in such a place and at night, when at any hour of the day I can meet the Marquis on this side, without suffering the inconvenience of crossing the river?" "There will be a bright moon, well up by nine o'clock. Moreover, remember that you cannot, as you say, meet St.

Je ne regrette pas de m'etre donne une nouvelle famille en France, et je me felicite des bonnes relations, si franchement cordiales, que j'ai avec mes deux beaux-freres et avec ma belle-soeur." Some time later he wrote to the same friend: Comme nous voyageons a toute heure du jour et de la nuit, nous voyons la nature sous tous les aspects imaginables.

Along all the rest of the way, the postman piped and fluted meltingly to get a sight of the collection; now he would upbraid, now he would reason "VOYONS, I will tell nobody"; then he tried corruption, and insisted on paying for a glass of wine; and, at last when their ways separated "NON," said he, "CE N'EST PAS BIEN DE VOTRE PART. O NON, CE N'EST PAS BIEN." And shaking his head with quite a sentimental sense of injury, he departed unrefreshed.

I have just finished a drawing that will bring me fifty francs!" "Voyons," said the lady, putting out her hand. He added a touch or two, and then gave her his sketch. She looked at it, but she went on with her idea of a moment before. "If a woman were to ask you to marry her you would say, 'Certainly, my dear, with pleasure! And you would marry her and be ridiculously happy.

This position, his body bent forward, his eyes fixed on Madame Bernier's face, he kept for some seconds. Suddenly, with a quick, convulsive movement, the man completed the stroke. 'Pas si hête! propose one yourself. 'Very well, said Hortense, 'if you wish it, Voyons: I'll give you what I can. I have fifteen thousand francs' worth of jewels.

He looked at Tiare, and they both laughed. "He did not come much to Papeete after that, and about a year later it chanced that I had to go to that part of the island for I forgot what business, and when I had finished it I said to myself: <i Voyons>, why should I not go and see that poor Strickland? I asked one or two natives if they knew anything about him, and I discovered that he lived not more than five kilometres from where I was.

Every time that she paused and solicited alms with her tambourine the crowd dispersed, and some of them laughed because she insisted. "Voyons," she said with a weird attempt at gaiety, "a couple of sous for the entertainment, citizen! You have stood here half an hour. You can't have it all for nothing, what?"

"But you c'est autre chose monsieur est bien range an artist perhaps for all that 'e see me dance and think perhaps, 'Voyons she cannot dance at all nor sing nor nozzings. Just enjoy 'erself. You think I don't deserve all I get, hein?" "I think," said Stonehouse smiling, "that there are others in your profession less fortunate, Mademoiselle."

"Voyons! on! my apologetic friend, do all things in Grenoble belong to you?" He turned to the post-boy, who looked on stolidly. "You are from the Auberge de France, are you not?" quoth he. "I am, monsieur," replied the man. "This carriage was ordered last night by a gentleman lodging at the Veau qui Tete?" "Perfectly," replied the stranger, in a tone of finality. "It was ordered by me."

A voice cried I could not help thinking warningly, "Seraphina, Seraphina," and another voice said with excessive softness, "Senorita! Voyons! quelle folie." She sprang at me. Her hand hurt my wrist as she dragged me aft. I scrambled clumsily into the recess of the counter, and put my head out.