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"De balena vero sufficit, si rex habeat caput, et regina caudam." Latin from the books of the Laws of England, which taken along with the context, means, that of all whales captured by anybody on the coast of that land, the King, as Honorary Grand Harpooneer, must have the head, and the Queen be respectfully presented with the tail.

Quo quidem opere quid potest esse praeclarius? Mihi vero et Cn. et P. Scipiones et avi tui duo L. Aemilius et P. Africanus comitatu nobilium iuvenum fortunati videbantur, nec ulli bonarum artium magistri non beati putandi, quamvis consenuerint vires atque defecerint.

Pericles in the rapturous contemplation of her admirable artistic pose. "Mon Dieu! and wiz a voice!" he exclaimed, dashing his fist in a delirium of forgetfulness against the one plastered lock of hair on his shining head. Did I not warn you? non a vero? Did I not say 'Ruin, ruin, if you go so? For a man! a voice! You will not come to me? Zen, hear! you shall go to old Belloni.

"What, are you descended from the great condottiere Facino Cane, whose lands won by the sword were taken by the Dukes of Milan?" "E vero," returned he. His gesture startled me; it told of patriotism extinguished and weariness of life. "But if you were once a Venetian senator, you must have been a wealthy man. How did you lose your fortune?" "In evil days."

The Doctor, who had been listening, had an idea that it was the right moment to interject "Se non e vero," but he was not quite certain of the words, and was afraid of being caught out. After dinner, Forcheville went up to the Doctor. "She can't have been at all bad looking, Mme. Verdurin; anyhow, she's a woman you can really talk to; that's all I want.

Illustrissimo Principi Duci de Medina Sidonia. Illustrissime Princeps, literas ab excellentia vestra hodie accepimus: quae vero nostra sit ad illas responsio, nobiles isti viri, qui vestras literas ad nos pertulerunt: plenius declarabunt.

If the office be the ordinary non-excepted office it is recited according to the rule laid down in the new rubrics. Tit. I., n. 5,: "Ad matut, invit. Hymnus, Lectiones II. et III. nocturni ac responsoria 2 et 3 nocturnorum propria vel de communi; antiphonae vero, psalmi et versus trium nocturnorum necnon Lestiones I. Nocturni cum suis Responsoriis de feria occurrente...."

Palmos Galeni. In tremoribus vulgaribus, æqualibus temporum intervallis, non musculus, sed artus ipsemet alternatim attollitur aut deprimitur, aut in oppositas partes it atque redit per minima tamen spatiola; in palpitatione verò sine ullo ordine musculi unius lacertus subito subsilit, nec regulariter continuoque movetur, sed nunc semel aut bis, nunc minimé intra idem tempus subsilit; an causa irritans in sensorio communi, an in musculo ipse palpitante Quærenda sit, ignoramus.

Enthusiastic advocates of the Norse discovery and settlement have confidently seen in Norumbega, the Indian utterance of Norbega, the ancient form of Norway to which Vinland was subject, and this belief has been even emphasised on a stone pillar which stands on some ruins unearthed close to the Charles River in Massachusetts. Si non é vero è ben trovato.

For examples see R. Exc. 4. For the principle cf. Curarum divisi. This clause means not merely, that his time was divided between business and relaxation; but that there was a broad line of demarcation between them, as he proceeds to explain. Divisa==diversa inter se. Dr. So Virg. Georg. 2, 116: divisae arboribus patriae==countries are distinguished from each other by their trees. Jam vero.