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Updated: August 18, 2024

Si vero viciamque seres vilemque faselum ... Haud obscura cadens mittet tibi signa Bootes; Incipe, et ad medias sementem extende pruinas.

Die he must, and die he shall. But why should he die a cruel death? "Paenoe vero atrocitatem remitti cupio." To the same purpose, when writing to Sultzer, he expresses his satisfaction in being able to assure him that a principal civic officer of Geneva was, in this case, entirely upright, and animated by the most virtuous sentiments.

'We cannot rival the luxuries of your English table, Captain Waverley, or give you the EPULAE LAUTIORES of Wavery-Honour I say EPULAE rather than PRANDIUM, because the latter phrase is popular; EPULAE AD SENATUM, PRANDIUM VERO AD POPULUM ATTINET, says Suetonius Tranquillus.

She is saying to that old gentleman, 'Sir, I am extremely grateful and may Saint Nicholas bless you for it for your very great kindness in having, the day before yesterday, at your sumptuous entertainment, made me so deliciously drunk!" "You are witty, Monsieur," said I, smiling. "Se non e vero e ben trovato."

"Al Banchiere mio." "Al Banchiere? Ma quale Banchiere sta in su le scale?" "Ma Beppo," was the grave answer. "Ho bisogna di sessanta scudi, e lui mele prestera senza difficolta." "Da vero?" said my friend. "To my banker." "To your banker? But what banker is there above the steps?" "Only Beppo. I want sixty scudi, and he can lend them to ma without difficulty." "Really?" "Of course."

'He is a good man, he said to me of this friend. 'He is as good as a little piece of bread. 'E vero, I answered; 'e San Cristophero. This pleased the peasant; and indeed it was true. For the guide's business was exactly that of St Christopher, except that the Saint took no money, and lived, I suppose, on air.

In Isiacis sacris de pinea arbore caeditur truncus; hujus trunci media pars subtiliter excavatur, illis de segminibus factum idolum Osiridis sepelitur. In Prosperpinae sacris caesa arbor in effigiem virginis formaraque componitur, et cum intra civitatem fuerit illata, quadraginta noctibus piangitur, quadragesima vero nocte comburitur."

"Haven't I, signorino?" cried Gaspare, undoubling himself, pointing to his middleman, and staring hard at Maurice. "Si, si! È vero, è vero!" cried Maurice. "I've been eating Zampaglione, and I am full. If I go into the sea to-night I shall die." "Mamma mia!" ejaculated Nito, throwing up his hands towards the stars.

Item, an mare in hoc districtu semper in vnam partem, videlicet Orientem, aut Occidentem fluat, an vero pro ratione aestuum fluat et refluat, in medio inquam canali, hoc est, an ibi, sex horis in occasum, et iterum sex in ortum fluat, an vero semper hi eandem partem: aliae enim speculationes non parum vtiles hinc dependent. Idem optarem a D. Frobiscero in occidentem obseruari.

In every case, however, there has been something to throw doubt on the conclusion. For instance, some human bones found at Vero in Florida in 1915 seem to be very old. Certain circumstances, however, suggest that possibly they may not really belong to the layers of gravel in which they were discovered but may have been inserted at some later time.

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