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He was going for his horse that he might take a telegram into Aden for Alexina, who was to leave the following morning. He trudged sturdily and was whistling under his breath as he went. "But it's a debt I owe it to you," said the girl suddenly, turning on the Captain. She spoke with vehemence, entreaty, passion. "We put that aside the other day discussed," said the Captain gently.

I can imitate civilized gesture tolerably well; but under this white-glove polish I have preserved the vehemence and simplicity of barbarism.

They were so bright and glistening that their disappearance was noticeable. He had closed them tight and was laughing! As suddenly as he had laughed, his mirth stopped, and he stared sternly at the anxious Betty. "You expect me to believe that?" he asked incredulously. "It is true," she said quietly. "True bah!" The vehemence of his tone quite startled her. "True!

I am so much convinced that you must be in the right in all you think fit to insist upon, that I shall for the future mistrust myself; and, if it be possible, whenever I differ with you, take an hour's time for recollection, before I give way to that vehemence, which an opposition, to which I have not been accounted, too often gives me. All this is mighty good, Sir: But to what does it tend?

Still Don Diego, inhaling the fragrant weed with renewed vehemence, only like Pion's tomb, recorded by Pausanias replied to the request of his petitioner /by smoke/. I did not venture to renew my interrogatories, and there was a long silence. My eyes fixed their gaze on the door by which Isora had disappeared.

Colonel de Haldimar," he continued, with a vehemence meant to check the growing weakness which the thought of his unfortunate companion called up to his heart, "I saved the life of your son, even by your own admission, no matter whose the arm that threatened his existence; and in every other action in which I have been engaged, honourable mention has ever been made of my conduct.

And this was not all the glory; no, the master's friends came, a whole twenty of the most distinguished people, and had me in the laboratory, and discussed me as if I was a kind of discovery; and some of them said it was wonderful in a dumb beast, the finest exhibition of instinct they could call to mind; but the master said, with vehemence, "It's far above instinct; it's REASON, and many a man, privileged to be saved and go with you and me to a better world by right of its possession, has less of it that this poor silly quadruped that's foreordained to perish;" and then he laughed, and said: "Why, look at me I'm a sarcasm! bless you, with all my grand intelligence, the only thing I inferred was that the dog had gone mad and was destroying the child, whereas but for the beast's intelligence it's REASON, I tell you! the child would have perished!"

"Why, as to that But stay, she is about to speak." "I will have no priest none," said the beldam, with impotent vehemence; "as I have lived I will die none shall say that I betrayed my mistress, though it were to save my soul!" "That bespoke a foul conscience," said the mendicant; "I wuss she wad mak a clean breast, an it were but for her sake;" and he again assailed her.

"In spite of the vehemence," he said, "which they manifest in the religious matter, desiring some kind of liberty, they will in the end, as you say they will, content themselves with what the other cities, which have returned to obedience, have obtained. This must be done in all cases without flinching, and without permitting any modification."

This power of telling a story plainly, but without dramatic vehemence; of eliminating the painful details of the subject, and combining its chief motives into one agreeable whole, gave peculiar charm to Ghiberti's manner. It marked him as an artist distinguished by good taste. How Delia Quercia treated the "Sacrifice of Isaac" we do not know.