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And yet she was not strong, for the situation in which she found herself made her trembling and unstrung. When asked by the coroner to tell her own story of the events of the evening before, she begged that he would question her instead. Desirous of making it as easy for her as possible, Mr. Monroe acceded to her wishes, and put his questions in a kindly and conversational tone.

Without speaking he timed the fluttering pulsation of her life, then, dropping her hand and returning the watch to his pocket: "Your too eager thoughts were of me?" he asked. "Yes, but yours were not of me." "Not always," he said, with an honesty that pleased her. And again Lily saw above his face the shadowy crown of thorns. She was really unwell and ready to be unstrung.

I'm unstrung, Mr. Annixter, and I'm running for my life. They're not ten minutes behind me." "Come on, come on," shouted Annixter, dashing stablewards, his suspenders flying. "Here's a horse." "Mine?" exclaimed Presley. "He wouldn't carry you a mile." Annixter was already far ahead, trumpeting orders. "The buckskin," he yelled. "Get her out, Billy. Where's the stable-man? Get out that buckskin.

Cartwright committed his prisoner to the subordinate, and knocked at the door of Phoebe's lodgings. She came down herself and let him in. She led the way upstairs, motioned him to a seat, sat down by him, and began to cry again. She was thoroughly unstrung. Cartwright was human, and muttered some words of regret that a poor fellow must do his duty. "Oh, it is not that," sobbed Phoebe.

What are you doing to my poor cup?" she asked, with surprise mingled with a little of that fright which is so prompt to be aroused if one feels not above reproach. He arose and put the misshapen bronze upon the table. "I do not know what ails me to-night," said he, "my nerves are unstrung. I will leave you, for I need rest myself.

As this crime against society loomed clear to James Westfall's understanding, he sat down on the nearest piece of furniture, and heedless of his wife's tears and his exchanged children, broke into unregenerate laughter. Doubtless after his sharp alarm about the bear, he was unstrung.

Still dazed and uncertain, I arose staggering to my feet, conscious at last that the man must actually be dead, yet, for the moment, so surprised by the discovery as to scarcely realize its significance. Not that I regretted the act, not that I experienced the slightest remorse, yet, for an instant, the shock seemed to leave me nerveless and unstrung.

There was a silence. The discussion had been long and ardent. Outside, the heat brooded almost sternly over the land, for the sky was covered with a film of gray, unbroken by any crevice through which the blue could be seen. It was a day on which nerves get unstrung, on which the calmest, most equable people are apt to lose their tempers suddenly, unexpectedly.

"Haven't any here," replied Yan, in some fear, remembering now the tramps of Glenyan. "H-m all alone camped all alone, are ye?" "The other fellers are away till the afternoon." "Wall, how nice. Glad to know it. I'll trouble you to hand me that stick," and now the tramp's manner changed from fawning to command, as he pointed to Yan's bow hanging unstrung.

She was too fond of Dolly, and too full of grief to spare him after that. Unstrung as she was, her reproach burst forth from her without a softened touch. "Dolly has done with earth. Dolly's life is over," she sobbed. "Do you know that she is dying? Yes, dying, our own bright Dolly, and you you have killed her!"