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"Rats? Amorites?" said Laura, looking piteously at Polly, whose hand she held. Polly laughed, a bouncing, good-humoured laugh. She herself was a bouncing, good-humoured person, the apparent antithesis of her mother with her lively eyes, her frizzled hair, her high cheek-bones touched with a bright pink. "Yo'll have to get oop early to understan' them two," she declared.

For Deborah was crying thankless tears, according to the fashion of women. "God forgi' me, woman! Things go harder Wi' you nor me. It's a worse share." He got up and helped her to rise; and they went doggedly down the muddy street, side by side. "It's all wrong," he muttered, slowly, "all wrong! I dunnot understan'. But it'll end some day."

'Well, howlin' preacher, if you are boun' to preach you shall preach, an' he swore I should have enough of it. 'Next Sunday, at eleven o'clock you shall preach; I'm going to invite all the white folks an' black people 'round here to cum to hear de big preacher. 'Now we'll have a big meetin' to hear de big preacher. You understan', do you? 'Yes, massa, I say, an' he sent me away.

I don't guess any sucker paid a thousand dollars a year for my college eddication so I could come out here and grow a couple of old beeves and spend my leisure picklin' my food depot in a low down prairie saloon. Therefor' I'll ask you to excuse me if I talk in a kind o' langwidge the folks about here most gener'ly understan'. Guess you think you know some. Maybe you figger to know it all.

He was standing close by, holding in his hands a piece of lazo, which he appeared to examine with a strange and puzzled expression. He had recovered from his burst of wild joy and was "himself again." "What's the matter, Bob?" I inquired, noticing his bewildered look. "Why, Cap'n, I'm a sorter bamfoozled yeer. I kin understan' well enuf how the feller; irked yer inter the tree afore he let go.

"It wor an aunt o' hers, soa I understan' quite a good bit o' money." "Did yer iver hear the name?" said John, eagerly. "Some one livin' at Bedford, I did 'ear say." John laughed, not without good-humoured relief. It would have touched his vanity had his niece been discovered to be richer than himself. "Oh, that's old Sophy Clarke!" he said.

"Wall, it's this, Mister Ned. The sea-water bein' warmer than the ice, melts the glasheer when thar's high-tide, an' the eend of it dips under; then at low tide, bein', so to speak, undermined, an' not havin' the water to rest on, it naterally sags down by its own weight, an' snaps off, ez ye'll all easily understan'."

"You all love one another ver' much. You all like Kagig. Kagig is liking you. But Turks are coming presently, and they keel Kagig keel heem, you understan'? That man Monty is also keel keel dead. That man Fred I not know I not see. You I see you I see two ways. First way, you marry that woman Gloria you go away all well all good. Second way you not marry her.

And there wasn't any chance of findin' the kid to prove if Kelly had it right or not. "But the Prof. he was certainly a great boy for puttin' up three-sheets about his own two kids; anybody that would listen friend or stranger made no difference to him. He starred 'em to anybody, you understan' what corkers they was, and all like that.

"Well, Snowy," slowly responded the sailor, rather pushed for a reply, "I'm willin' to acknowledge all that. It look like the truth, an' it don't, both at the same time. I can't understan' how a bird can go to sleep up in the air, no more'n I could hang my old tarpaulin' hat on the corner o' a cloud. Same time I acknowledge that I'm puzzled to make out how them thar frigates can take thar rest.