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Updated: August 5, 2024

"Waal, ye look mighty pritty, totin' him around hyar," his friend encouraged him with a grin. "I'll say that fur ye ye look mighty pritty." And in fact the merriment in the hall at the sheriff's expense began to grow so exhilarating as to make him feel that the proceedings within were too interesting to lose.

"Hit's their Majesties, sir, goin' to a drawin'-room at Lord Rawdon's, sir," the driver explained as he drove on. "Did you see the unnatural look in his gray eyes?" said Jack, turning to Solomon. "Ayes! Kind o' skeered like! 'Twere a han'some yoke o' men totin' him well broke, too, I guess. Pulled even an' nobody yellin' gee er haw er whoa hush."

"When de big gun fiahed I was a young missy totin' cotton to de scales at de ginhouse; ef de ginhouse wuz close by, you had to tote de cotton to it, but ef it wuz fur 'way wagins ud come to de fields and weigh it up and take it to de ginhouse. I was still livin' near Lake Jackson and we went to Abram Bailey's place near Tallahassee.

Some one had run ahead of her to where P'tit Maitre sat with his family and guests upon the gallery. "P'tit Maitre! La Folle done cross de bayou! Look her! Look her yonda totin' Cheri!" This startling intimation was the first which they had of the woman's approach. She was now near at hand. She walked with long strides.

Those steers' heads Tom had removed from a gun belonging to a famous bad man, suddenly deceased, and there was a story that went with them. "Now see here," "Bob" protested, "one of these new policemen will pick you up some day." "Pshaw! Nobody wouldn't pick me up, just for totin' a gun," the old man declared. With practiced fingers he extracted the shells, one by one.

'I'm bleeged to come in an' res' an' have a meal, he don' said, and then he went on with his pack totin' at his heels. "Fo' de Lord, Sandy Morley, shet off that snortin', roarin' fire or I'll fetch yo' a real old-time lick!" Sandy ran to regulate the dampers, his face radiant and boyish. He was enjoying, as he never had enjoyed anything in his life before, the dear home-atmosphere of his hills.

Now, I don't mind what a feller does as long as it don't interfere with me, an' even then, I can put up with a sight o' bother; but all the passengers on that train, an' the train crew too, seemed to think that it just about capped the climax to see a man o' my build totin' along a pair o' chickens.

"Flounderin' round in mud soup, bit to death by skeeters and them what-ye-call-'em flies piums sweatin' yerself bone dry and totin' forty thousand pounds, on yer back, not to mention hardware slung all over ye this ain't no place for a minister's son or a fat guy, I'll tell the world. And this is only the start!" A call from Pedro forestalled any answer.

Well, just afore the train started ag'in, who should come into the car but Bill Woodson, and he wuz lookin' powerful tough. Bill herded cattle for me three winters, but hed moved away when he married one uv the waiter-girls at Spooner's Hotel at Hoost'n. "Hello, Bill," says I; "what air you totin' so kind uv keerful-like in your arms there?"

"But dis yer totin' little Mose down ter ole Aun' Peggy, en dis yer gittin' things fer ter pay de cunjuh 'oman, use' up a lot er Aun' Nancy's time, en she begun ter git kinder ti'ed.

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