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Updated: August 21, 2024

"Dinna mourn, faither," answered Daniel, "an arm mair powerful than that of man will be her supporter and protector." "Amen!" responded Mr. Duncan. "She has aye been cauld to me, and has turned the ear o' the deaf adder to the voice o' my affection; but even noo, when my thochts should be elsewhere, the thocht o' her burns in my heart like a coal."

"Yes, mother, it did." "Thin I'm beholden to it. And I take back all me hard woords and thochts. Give me another sup o' thot cordial, now, till I go to slape. And ye may tell the neighbors, fur me, thot I've thried and I know yez can get what ye nade fur the askin' out o' thim mash-ines. Now be off wid yez I'm going to slape."

But the wife and I ne'er let it wander far frae our thochts. It's a bonnie place. And I'm proving there that farmin' can be made to pay its way in Britain aye, even in Scotland, the day. I can wear homespun clothes, made frae wool ta'en frae sheep that ha' grazed and been reared on ma ain land. All the food I ha' need to eat frae ane end o' the year to the other is raised on my farm.

A'm no denyin', Kirsty, that it's a trial, but I hae licht on it, and naethin' but gude thochts o' the Almichty." Drumtochty understood that Kirsty had dealt faithfully with Marget for pride and presumption, but all we heard was, "Losh keep us a'." When Marget came out and sat down beside her son, her face was shining. Then she saw the open window. "I didna ken."

Davit would lauch 'at the grandest thochts, whaur they only fill the true humorist wi' awe. I've found it necessary to rebuke 'im at times whaur his lauchin' was oot o' place. He pretended aince on this vara spot to see humour i' the origin o' cock-fightin'." "Did he, man?" said Hendry; "I wasna here. But what is the origin o' cock-fechtin'?" "It was a' i' the Cheap Magazine," said T'nowhead.

"If men," said the gypsy, severely, "would keep their hands in their pockets all day, the world's affairs would be more easily managed." "Wheesht!" cried Nanny, "if Mr. Dishart cared to set his mind to it, he could make the kettle boil quicker than you or me. But his thochts is on higher things." "No higher than this," retorted the gypsy, holding her hand level with her brow. "Confess, Mr.

She had the house to herself at nights, but Tibbie Birse was with her early in the morning, and other neighbours dropped in. Not for long did she have to wait the summons to the better home. "Na," she said to the minister, who has told me that he was a better man from knowing her, "my thochts is no nane set on the vanities o' the world noo.

I wasn't a bad scholar two years ago." "Is your hame far awa', sir?" "I dare say, David, you think it strange I do not ask you to go with me there." "It wad ill set me to hae such thochts, sir. I hope you dinna put them to me." "The truth is, David, I have had a little trouble with my family. If you won't mind my secrecy, I should prefer not to speak of it."

"Folks hae thocht ill o' me, sir; and they treat me according to their ill thochts: and I wish Davie was hame, for I'm broken-hearted wi' the wrang that is done me; morning, noon and night," she said warmly. "Keep your temper and hold your tongue, Maggie. I suffer no woman to rail in my presence. Do well, and you will be well spoken of, and doubtless also, well treated."

In this frame o' mind, I gazed gloomily on the glidin stream; but, as I gazed, better thochts gradually presented themsels, an' finally, resentment took the place o' despondency, whan I reflected on the heartless haste o' Lucy to wed anither, thereby convincin me that, in losin her, my loss was by nae means great.

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