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Updated: August 13, 2024

"I knows hit full well, an' I've sought deespite how I was borned ter be a man." "Ye hain't only tried ye've done succeeded," he assured her, then after a long drawn breath he went on. "Most folks 'lowed hit was like faultin' ther Almighty ter feel thet-a-way. They said hit war plum rebellious." The girl whose cheeks had gone pallid and whose lips were tight drawn spoke defiantly.

"Thet wuz the finest hoss in Laurel County, an' they've stole 'im from Joel. Hit'll 'bout break his heart, fur he set a powerful sight o'store on thet there beast. Pore critter! hit makes me sick ter see 'im suffer thet-a-way! I've a mind ter put 'im outen his misery, but I'm afeered I can't shoot 'im, so long ez he looks at me with them big pitiful eyes o' his'n. They go right ter my heart."

"You'd better shoot him," urged Aunt Debby. "Hit's a si ter let an innocent critter suffer thet-a-way." Fortner raised his rifle, and sent a bullet through the mangled brute's brain. Aunt Debby's eyes became fixed on a point where, a mile away down the mountain, a bend in the road was visible through an opening in the trees.

Ef ye're fearful ye can't then ride beyond the lines, an' come inter ours thet-a-way Aunt Deby'll go ter the other flank, an' try ter git a-past Breckinridge's pickets, an' I'll 'tempt ter make my way thru the center. We may all or none o' us git thru. I can't gin ye much advice, ez ye'll hev ter trust mainly ter yerself.

But he held his peace while the girl went steadily on. "I oft-times takes myself ter task fer thet suspicion, because hit don't seem far ter feel thet-a-way an' not know no reason." She looked at him questioningly and very gravely, as one resolved upon a full but difficult confession. "I hain't nuver seed ye foller no reg'lar work. Ye hain't doin' nothin' hyar now but jest hangin' around."

Hit hain't thet I was raised up a boy I thought I'd always stay thet-a-way. Then I found I couldn't." "Yes, I knows thet, Alexander. Thar hain't no censure fer ye es ter thet." "Mebby thar ought ter be though. But ye sees hit's kinderly like I was livin' in a new world an' I don't know hit well yit. I've got ter go slow. I hain't made up my mind an' then changed hit I hain't blowed hot an' cold.

"Hain't I got a license ter travel ther highway without bein' follered an' bedeviled," she demanded angrily, and the two youths seemed at first too abashed for speech. One of them, who was an almost albino blond, flushed to the roots of his pale hair. "I reckon hit jest chanced thet-a-way," he stammered.

"What do you mean, Jase Day?" demanded Aunt Almira, for her husband announced the above at the supper table on Friday evening of that eventful week. "They ain't goin' ter send Mr. Haley to jail without a trial?" "Hear the woman, will ye?" apostrophized Uncle Jason, with disgust. "Ain't thet jes' like ye, Almiry goin' off at ha'f cock thet-a-way? Who said anythin' about Mr. Haley goin' ter jail?"

Carter's real name here when you say he married you under an assumed name?" he asked moving his finger thoughtfully over the blurred name that had evidently been scratched out and written over again. "I made him put it in after I found out who he was," said Lizzie. "He couldn't come it over me thet-a-way. He was awful gone on me then, an' I cud do most ennythin' with him.

Rachel thought a minute upon the dreadful possibilities of the venture, and then replied firmly: "Yes I dare. I will try anything that the rest of you will attempt." "Good. I knowed ye'd talk thet-a-way. Now we must waste no time in gittin' started, fur God on'y knows what diffikilties we'll meet on the way, an' Rosencrans can't hev the information enny too soon.

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