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"Dunno; t'ought I'd take a near cut home, and s'pose I got here widout knowing anyt'ing about it.". "Well, Oonomoo, what's to be done with him?" "Take him 'long kill him if don't do what want to." "You understand, Cato? We don't want you with us, but, there seems no help for it now; so we shall have to take you. You must follow in our steps, and in no case make any outcry."

"I'll make fast to a bush and you may get out the victuals, Moses." "Das de bery best word you've said dis day, massa," remarked the negro with a profound sigh. "I's pritty well tired now, an' de bery t'ought ob grub comforts me!" "Do you mean that we shall sleep in the canoe?" asked Nigel.

"He never was no class," objected Dixon. "If ye'd see him gallop the day he run away, ye'd think he had class," said Mike. "Bot' tumbs up! ye'd a t'ought it was the flyin' Salvator." "Well, we'll soon know all about it," declared Dixon. "There's the saddlin' bell. Have you weighed out, Redpath? Weight all right, ninety-two pounds?" "All right, sir.

He has frozen to deh fringe off dat Sugar crowd ess t'ough some von hat nipped 'is scarf-pin unt he vos layin' for him ass he game out. He hasn't made a trade to-tay unt yet he sticks like a stamp-tax. I ben keeping my eyes on him for I t'ought he hat someding up his sleeve dat might raise tust ven he tropt id. I dink Parry has hat deh same itear.

"Shame upon ye an' yer lies an' yer wicked, silly heart that t'ought to keep the likes o' her forever in Chance Along. Ye bain't able to fool old Kate Nolan wid yer lies! Sure, wasn't I on to ye from the minute ye come home that ye'd not bin to Witless Bay wid the letter? I seed the lie writ across yer face, Denny Nolan. Shame upon ye to be tryin' to bury the poor helpless girl alive!"

Sure, 'twould be an awful thing to have the sin av murrder on me sowl not that 'tis murrder to kill a Dutchman that's a self-confessed pirate into the bargain. Shtill, 'tis a terrible t'ought to carry to the grave " Wham! Mr. Reardon brought his padded wrench down on his defenseless bed. "Too harrd," he told himself.

If you will put your hand in my right hip pocket, Terence, lad, you'll find a pair for present emergencies. They were in my desk and I concluded to bring them along." "An' a pious t'ought it was, Michael." So they handcuffed Herr August Carl von Staden and gagged him, after which Mr.

If there were one of his despised girls who lacked the desire of beauty and the dream of love, I am much mistaken. But I came to see afterward that he understood them as well as myself. "I t'ought so," he mused, his eyes still upon my face. "And you are not too beautiful now; t'ey could not doubt. Yes; I vatch you, I study you. Seldom I make t'e mistake; but it is fery important.

"'Ello, Larry!" returned the other. "Aw, nuthin'! De nutcracker on Chang, dat's all." "I t'ought mabbe dey was lookin' for some guy dat was in dere," observed Jimmie Dale. "Nuthin' doin'!" the other answered. "I was in dere meself. De whole mob beat it clean, an' de bulls never batted an eye. Didn't youse pipe me make me get-away outer Shanghai's a minute ago?

Song say he t'ought it vas some of Pud's foolishment he vas teaching dot pig, und didn't no more look at him for a leetle vile. Ven he looked again der pig vas svinging avay oop high by der rope. Den I coom along und see der pig in der gabbages, und I takes me a stick und vallops him goot ofer der hams, und drife him his pen into." "Shucks! Is that all ther story?