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Mah young missis wuz blind 'fore she died. I useter visit her once a Ye'r en she'd load me down wid things ter tek home, a linsey petticoat, ham bones, cracklins en diff'ent things. She died 18 years ago almos' a 100 ye'r ole. De white folks wouldn't let de slaves hab a book er papah fer fear dey'd l'arn sumpin', en ef dey wan'ed ter pray dey'd tu'n a kettle down at dere cabin do'er.

"It's the father that I want to see," said the horseman, with smiling emphasis, "not the daughter, not Miss Sally." He passed through the bank door, still smiling, and the Grange group looked at each other, rife with speculation on the instant. "Hadn't-a said not, I'd-a said it wuz Miss Sally he wanted to see. Looks to me like he might be one of her beaux. Wears sumpin the same clothes."

Graves brooked his tone with difficulty. "I shouldn't be here if I didn't think so too," he answered coolly. "Jes' so," agreed Jasper, absorbed in a sinker. "I c'd tell sumpin erbout a party thet I 'magine you'd cock yer ear t' hear." "Shelby?" "I 'magine I didn't jes' quite say. No, I 'magine not." "If you will exercise your imagination less, Mr.

"I cartainly do wish Marm'd git well or sumpin'," he said one day in Walky Dexter's hearing. "I don't see how a man's expected to run a ho-tel without a woman to help him. It beats me!" "It'll be sumpin' that happens ter ye, I reckon," observed Walky, drily. "Sure as yeou air a fut high, Lem. In the Fall. Beware the Ides o' September, as the feller says.

The last time she put the question to Phoebe, the cook, but was answered by Pompey himself. "Here am Pomp, Miss Elsie; what does little missy want wid dis chile?" "Are you going to the city to-night, Pompey?" "Yes, Miss Elsie, I'se got some arrants to do for missus an' de family in ginral, an' I ben gwine start in 'bout ten minutes. Little missy wants sumpin', eh?"

Did n't seem to be the least bit mad; jest solemn 'nd bizness like. "My dear madam," sez he to the young woman, "you must do sumpin' to keep that child quiet. These people have all paid for their bunks, 'nd they are entitled to a good night's sleep. Of course I know how 't is with young children will cry sometimes have raised 'leven uv 'em myself, 'nd know, all about 'em.

"This letter kim to her father a long time ago, and she ast me to ast you to think of her father abaout it gentle as you can an' I'm a-astin' you to think of him gentle," the lad's voice suddenly rose shrilly, and he jumped to his feet, "an' I'm a-bustin' to have you say you won't think of him gentle, er sumpin 'at I cayn't stan' an 'll hit you fer! I'm jesta boy, Mist' Steerin', but good God!"

"No'em, no church, no meetin hous fo us culled people in Kentucky befo' de wah. Dey wuz prayin folks, and gets to meetin' at each othah's houses when dey is sumpin a pushin' fo prayer. No'em no school dem days, fo us." "Ol Mars., he were a preacher, he knowed de Bible, an tells out verses fo us dats all ah members. Yes'em Ah am Baptist now, and ah sho do believe in a havin church."

I gotter a notion right now ter give yer sumpin ter pay back fur wot ye done!" He actually threw himself over the edge of the little bluff, being angered by such talk on the part of a boy. Maurice gave a shout from the boat.

Tye he harbor culled folks dat cum ask fo sumpin to eat in winter n' he get 'em to stay awhile and do a little wuk fo him. Now, he did always have one or two 'roun dere dat way, dat ah recollects dat he didn't own. Maybe dey was runaway, maybe dey wuz just tramps an didn't belong to noboddy. Nevah hear o' anybody claimin' dem dey stay awhile an wuk, den move on den mo' cum, wuk while then move on.