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Cappy piped. "Hum-m-m! A ship is good. I bought four; and believe me! they're no skiffs, either. All of them are big foreign-going steel tramps, with lots of speed and power." "Four for half a million dollars?" Matt Peasley cried unbelievingly. "They would have cost anybody else a million and a half; but er well, you see, Matt, I had a stand-in with the right people.

"It is well with me, and well with my soul what little I've got but it ain't so well with my winter grub-stake. I'm just as tickled to see you as you ever dare be to meet up with me, and that's no lie. I heard you've got a stand-in with the Double Cross, and seeing they ain't on to my little peculiarities, I thought I'd ride out and see if I couldn't work you for a soft snap.

I'd have a wonderful stand-in with old man Chapman if I saved that girl from anything. . . . I've heard of gangs of kidnappers. . . . No, I don't like the looks of things a little bit. I think that bookseller is half cracked, anyway. He doesn't believe in advertising! The idea of Chapman trusting his daughter in a place like that "

Last year we let them alone, because they weren't of our class. This year we'll have to make a fuss over them. Lunch them and take them to ride in our cars and all that. It will be a bore, but it will pay in the end. Once we get a stand-in with them, we can run things here to suit ourselves." "That's a good idea," lauded Marian. "We'll begin this very day."

There was something even beneficent in his relaxed features as he answered: "You could open a first-class place with your stake. It's quick and big money, if you can get the right kind of a stand-in with the police. No cheap joint, but a high-toned dance hall in some burg where you can get a liquor license. That's my advice to you." "It's what I thought you meant, but I wanted to be sure of it!"

I make no reproaches, an' I take it all on my own shoulders; but I'm goin' to stir about me, I tell you! I shall begin early to-morrow. They're goin' back to their own house, it's been stand-in' empty all winter, an' the town's goin' to give 'em the rent an' what firewood they need; it won't come to more than the board's payin' out now.

He wus stirred to the very depths of his heart to see me agin; but he struggled for calmness, and told me in a voice controlled by his firm will, to "hurry and get in, for the mair wus oneasy stand-in' so long." I, too, felt that I must emulate his calmness; and I says, "I can't get in no faster than I can. Do hold the mair still, or I can't get in at all." "Wall, wall! hain't I a holdin' it?

"I notice it grinds him consider'ble to see the Little Doctor treat us fellows like white folks. He's workin' for a stand-in there himself. I bet he gets throwed down good and hard," commented Weary, cheerfully. "It's a cinch he don't know about that pill-thrower back in Ohio," added Cal. "Any of you fellows going to take her bid? I'll go alone, in a minute."

Say, Ned," he added, turning to the patrol leader, "how did you get your stand-in with the soldiers? Wasn't that a colonel who talked the bull cop out of pinching both of us?" "That was Colonel Wingate," was the reply. "I can't tell you anything more about the matter just now. Anyway, we've got our work cut out for us to-night. We must be far from the border by morning.

Clancy permitted a thin smile to flicker contemptuously across his lips. "You've got a whole lot of friends that I'm interested in. Get the idea? There ain't a crook in New York that's shy of you. You got a 'stand-in' everywhere." He held up the ten-dollar bill. "There's more of these plenty of 'em." Smarlinghue pushed back his chair now in a frightened sort of way.