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"I can't kick him out on the strength uh my own private opinion. I'd just simply lay myself wide open to all kinds uh remarks. I ain't jealous; he ain't got any particular stand-in with Flora but if I started action on him, that's what the general verdict would be. Oh, thunder!" Nothing of his thoughts showed in his manner when he went out to where they were.

If he hasn't a good enough stand-in with his firm to draw on the house or else to have the firm keep him a hundred or two ahead in checks, put him down as no good. The man who is habitually broke on the road is generally the man who thinks he has the "gentle finger," and that he can play in better luck than the fellow who rolls the little ivory ball around a roulette wheel.

Say, I came down here to enlist as drummer, so I could get a stand-in with the army fellows, and, what do you think, they wouldn't enlist me! Said I was too short and fat. Me short and fat! I'm going to write up that recruiting officer and have Dad publish him to the world." "There is a lot of talk about the case?" asked Fremont. "Of course there is," was the reply.

"Can't you understand that I'm not after the money?" demanded Gresham. "I've explained that to you before. I want Gamble broke, discredited, and so involved that he can never transact any business in New York." "What's he done to you?" inquired Collaton. "He must be winning a stand-in with your girl." "My private affairs are none of your concern!" Gresham indignantly flared.

"I don't pack you up hill more than once, old-timer. We're going to call on your Mary-girl. When yuh get good and refreshed up, you can come and look on at me and Irish acting pretty and getting a stand-in. So-long!" Irish, looking back over his shoulder, saw Andy raise his head and gaze after them; saw it drop upon his arms just before they went quite over the hill.

The man at the next table was a long time in explaining the making of a dictionary. He spoke in low tones, often looking at the figure of the man in the skull cap, who was sitting with his back to them, looking over copy. Once she cried, excitedly: "Oh I see!" and he warned, "S h!" explaining, "Let him think you got it all from him. It will give you a better stand-in."

"Say, young fella, have you got any stand-in with your noble red brothers?" he asked, after he had sucked life into the charred tobacco. "Cousins twice or three times removed, you mean," said Good Indian coldly, too proud and too lately repelled to meet the man on friendly ground. "Why do you ask?" Baumberger eyed him speculatively while he smoked, and chuckled to himself.

He'd got about ha'fway to the shore when Willie who'd been stand-in' with the rest of the help, lookin' on stepped for'ard pretty brisk and whispered in the ear of the Pinkerton man. The detective jumped, sort of, and looked surprised and mighty interested. "'By George! says he. 'I never thought of that. Then he run to the edge of the piazza and called. "'Mr. Parker! he sings out. 'Oh, Mr.