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"Good-by, Em. And mind you stop spoilin' my girl fur me!" He opened the door and went away. And Fairchilds, an unwilling witness to the father's brutality, felt every nerve in his body tingle with a longing first to break the head of that brutal Dutchman, and then to go and take little Tillie in his arms and kiss her.

He added, with a wink, "His only fault is that he's given to spoilin' good victuals, being raither floored by sea-sickness if it comes on to blow ever so little." "Hold your clapper, lad," said the smith, who was at the moment busily engaged with a mess of salt pork, and potatoes to match. "Who's your friend?" "No friend of mine, though I hope he'll be one soon," answered the steward.

'E lived long enough to say to the Subadar Goordit Singh, 'I would take scorn uv me to lave widout askin' y'r pardon, Subadar. And the Subadar took 'is 'and and salaamed, and showed 'is teeth, which was meant friendly." "What else did Connor say?" asked Coolin, eagerly. "'E said 'is kit was for you that's spoilin' a good name in the condinsation of the Commissaryat, Coolin."

None but Queen are spoilin' for another fight. All the same they won't leave Tad Jorth heah alone." Then Colter leaned in at the door and whispered: "Ellen, I cain't boss this outfit. So let's y'u an' me shake 'em. I've got your dad's gold. Let's ride off to-night an' shake this country." Colter, muttering under his breath, left the door and returned to his comrades.

His mother predicted savagely that his "spoilin' on that bad-blooded young one would bring her to no good end," and when, at fifteen, Susie began to grow very pretty and saucy and willful and to have beaux come to see her, the old woman exulted openly over Lem's helpless anxiety. He was quite gray now, although not yet forty-five, and so stooped that he passed for an old man.

"What d'ye s'pose he's after now?" he then demanded of nobody in particular, but loud enough for all the neighbors to hear. "S'pose he thinks there's any more money in there ter steal?" "Stop, Janice!" yelped Marty. "I knew I'd got ter do it. That feller's been spoilin' for it for a week! Lemme down, I say!" He did not wait for his cousin to obey his command.

I used to git right put out with Doc sometimes, foolin' away good time that way, sittin' round by the hour spoilin' good paper. I reckon he started close onto a thousand poems, but he didn't git along very good. 'Bout the their line he'd stop and tear up what he'd wrote.

When he and Franky Drake du get over there a spoilin' the Egyptians, as one might say, there be no knowin' how long they'll stay there. I don't look to see 'em back till they'm able to come wi' their ships loaded wi' Spanish gould; and it'll take a mort o' time to vind six shiploads o' gould," returned Tom.

Butefish debated, a spirit of rebellion rose within him. Ever since he had established the paper he had been a worm, and what had it got him? It had got him in debt to the point of bankruptcy that's what it had got him and he was good and sick of it! He was tired of grovelling nauseated with catering to a public that paid in rutabagas and elk meat that was "spoilin' on 'em."

If yo have a sweet tooth an it's t' way wi moast gells I conno see as it can be onythin else but Providence as gave it yo. So get yorsel soom bull's-eyes, Louie, an an' he looked a little conscious as he slipped the coin into her eager hand 'doan't let on ti your aunt! She'd think mebbe I wor spoilin your teeth, or summat, an, Louie Was Uncle Reuben gone mad?