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A lazy man's worse'n a dead one, 'cause a dead one's put away and can't do no harm while a lazy one's always around, spoilin' the ambitious one's work. "Now, we won't talk business no more. Let's go into the yard. Daphne is there with some of the babies. Let's go out to her." Dr. Eaton hesitated. "I think I had better be going on to the hospital. Drusilla looked up at him quickly. "Dr.

Sometimes, when he couldn't do this, he would let a slave work all day on his plantation, and live with his wife at night on her plantation. Some of the other owners was always talking about his spoilin' us." "He wasn't a Dimmacrat like the rest of 'em in the county; he belonged to the 'know-nothin' party' and he was a real leader in it.

Gray, an' mebbe you could keep him from spoilin' his hull life. That's what he's liable to do an' I'm skeered. He wouldn't listen to me. Boys don't listen to their fathers." "I'll find him, Gus, and I'll make him listen to me. If it is drink, I'll break him of it. If it is a woman I'll break him of that, too, for it can't be more than a passing fancy."

'Let alone that one thing, said Sylvia, 'he were a kind, good man. 'It were a big deal on a "one thing", though, said Kester. 'It just spoilt yo'r life, my poor lass; an' might ha' gone near to spoilin' Charley Kinraid's too. 'Men takes a deal more nor women to spoil their lives, said Sylvia, bitterly. 'Not a' mak' o' men.

But sometimes when he would send for us and we would be a long time comin', he would ask us where we had been. If we told him we had been learnin' to read, he would near beat the daylights out of us after gettin' somebody to teach us; I think he did some of that so that the other owners wouldn't say he was spoilin' his slaves." "He was funny about us marryin', too.

"Anyway, father has been good to me," she continued, "an' I don't set enough store by my own life to risk spoilin' his."

When you blew in so promisc'us an' interrupted the meetin', me an' my friend here was jest resolvin' that there's too much bad shootin' bein' done in this here Rubio town. It's a spoilin' the fair name an' a ruinin' the reputation of this country. For which said reason us two undertakes to regulate an' reform some." He turned with elaborate politeness to Pat.

"There won't be money's worth left in my field, at the rate you're spoilin' it." She turned upon the two judges, who were advancing timidly to placate her, while the crowd hung back. "And now, Mr Nicholls now, Mr Widger I'd like to hear what you have to say to this!"

I mean Oh, wait!" "What for? You do know how I feel, and you well, you've certainly WANTED me to feel that way or else pretended " "Now, now!" she lamented. "You're spoiling such a cheerful afternoon!" "'Spoilin' it!" He slowed down the car and turned his face to her squarely. "See here, Miss Vertrees, haven't you " "Stop! Stop the car a minute."

An' she couldn't avoid him, except by stayin' in her room, which she did a good deal. Then Jack showed a streak of bein' decent. He surprised everybody, even Collie. He delighted Old Bill. But he didn't pull the wool over my eyes. He was like a boy spoilin' for a new toy, an' he got crazy over Collie.