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"Now, don't you go to pouring out our woes, Mandy!" begged little old Ann, looking shy and almost girlish, and as if she insisted upon playing that life was still all before them and all pleasure. "Don't you go to spoilin' their visit with our complaints!

"I don't deny that I was with Moxley when he broke into your cabin," he said huskily, "but I was only with him because I wanted to help these boys. I couldn't leave him without spoilin' my plans, and I couldn't persuade him to let the cabin alone, though I tried hard enough. He gave me the slip next morning, as it was, an' I had to tramp it down the creek the rest of the way.

An' fer five years this same lousy Lightfoot gang has just been helpin' 'emselves to the cattle on the ranches around here liberal. Same as youse fellers have helped yourselves out o' this bottle. An', durin' that time, I ain't heard tell of one o' them boys who's been spoilin' to hang 'em all doin' a thing. Not a thing, 'cep' it's lap up whisky to keep up a supply o' hot air.

It is esculent, and serves to sustain human life. "In an instant, half-a-dozen men were upon their knees, chipping and hacking the hard clay, but their hatchets glinted off as from the surface of a rock. "`Look hyar! cried Garey; `ye're only spoilin' yer tools. Cut down a wheen o' these pine saplin's, and make a fire over him!

The foremen are hirin' 'em here and sendin' 'em on to the different camps. The whole bunch is just spoilin' for fight. Better not stir 'em up unless your crowd is lookin' for trouble," advised the storekeeper. "Oh, no. Nothing like that," laughed Grace Harlowe, laying the money for their supplies on the counter.

I can remember when he used to run everywhere behind her with a little whip, 'cause he liked to play horse, an' although she used to pretend that she let him 'cause it kept the moths out of her clothes, still every one knowed as it was just her spoilin' of him. Now he's growed up spoiled an' poor Lucy Dill's got the consequences to suffer.

''Deed, mem, and 'tis that same I was thinkin' o', returned Mr McIntosh, sitting bolt upright in his chair, lest the imputation of having been asleep should be brought against him. 'It's ill wark seein' ye spoilin' your bonny eyes owre sic a muckle lot o' figures as ye hae there. 'Someone must do it, said Madame, resuming her seat at the table.

You ain't no notion how grand it makes a body feel to be woke up at the crack o' dawn on one's weddin' mornin' with the noise o' the bombardin' in honor o' the day! I'm like to miss it this year, with only my own four young Yankees spoilin' my sleep settin' off torpeders under my nose." "You won't miss anything," said Claire reassuringly, "but you mustn't say a word to Sam.

Soon as we stop for a spell oh, he plops down on 'is belly and 'angs on for us to chuck 'im a bit of grub. Might be a man by the ways of 'im, 'stead of a dog. Now I don't 'old with spoilin' dogs." "Pass da beer," requested the Signor. Bill looked up with concern, for Trotter was filling his pipe; the meal was at an end. "Yus, yer can look," snarled Trotter. "You'll wait, you will."

"Out of respect for Art Maguire we'll go; an' divil another boy in the province we'd pay that respect to; good-evenin', Syl!" "Aisy, boys," said Art, coming to the door, "don't let me frighten you come in I'd be very sorry to be the means of spoilin' sport, although I can't drink myself; that wouldn't be generous come in."