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"Them coverlids I wove myself, fifty-five years ago come next spring," said Mrs. Green, firmly. "Sally Ann Mason an' me used to set up till the clock struck twelve that year, spinnin' an' weavin'. Then we had a cup or two o' green tea, an' went to bed." "Well, you wove 'em, an' you don't want to sell 'em," said Aunt Melissa, her eyes on her work.

"Wall we didn't feel like playin no more games, an f'ever after dat you coundn't git no niggahs to pass dat house alone atter dark. Dey say da place was hanted, an if you look through de winder any dark night you could see a man in dere spinnin de plate. "I sho didn't never look in, cause I done seen more hants aready dan I ever wants to see agin. One night I was goin to my granny's house.

Well, the prophet's at your disposal. Help yourself." The young fellow shook his head. "I'm afraid it wouldn't be very satisfactory," he said. "He might say no when I wanted him to say yes, you see." "Um-hm. . . . He's liable to do that. When he does it to me I keep on spinnin' him till we agree, that's all."

"It appeared that he and the skipper was old friends or anyway they knowed one another pretty well, havin' been schoolfellers together; and the story goes that some while ago this man, Barber, bein' at the time on his beam-ends, runned foul of the skipper and begged help from him, spinnin' a yarn about a lot of treasure that he'd found on an island somewhere away to the east'ard, and offerin' to go shares if he'd help Barber to get hold of the stuff.

Whereupon he read, with a feeling which Wetherell had not supposed he possessed, an extract: and as the storekeeper listened his blood began to run wildly. At length Jethro put down the paper without glancing at his companion. "There's somethin' about that that fetches you spinnin' through the air," he said slowly. "Sh-showed it to Jim Willard, editor of the Newcastle Guardian.

There now it wanted to be pulled down a little at the cuffs. Owen, it's a beauty; an' I think I have good right to be proud of it, for it's every thread my own spinnin'." "How do I look in it, Kathleen? Tell me thruth, now." "Throth, you're twenty years younger; the never a day less." "I think I needn't be ashamed to go afore my ould friends in it, any way.

An' Hiram Peasley come along with tinware, an' you says, 'If you're a mind to stop at my house, an' throw a colander an' a long-handled dipper over the fence, under the flowerin'-currant, an' wait till next time for your pay, I'll take 'em, says you. 'But I ain't goin' to leave off spinnin' for anything less 'n Gabriel's trumpet, says you.

It was not absolutely needful, except for the little cooking required by the invalid for as such, in her pride of being his nurse, Grannie regarded him but she welcomed the excuse for a little extra warmth to her old limbs during the night watches. Then she sat down in her great chair, and all was still. "What for arena ye spinnin', Grannie?" said Cosmo.

But on hearin' somethin', I don't know what, I turned back an' there Steele had got a long arm on Bo Snecker, who was tryin' to throw a gun. "But he wasn't quick enough. The gun banged in the air an' then it went spinnin' away, while Snecker dropped in a heap on the floor. The table was overturned, an' March, the other rustler, who was on that side, got up, pullin' his gun.

Miss Rebecca had all the slaves clothes made. She seed to that. She go to the city, Augusta, and bring back bolts cloth. One slave sewed for Miss Rebecca and her family. She didn't do all the sewing but she sewed all the time. One woman done all the weavin'. At night after they work in the field Miss Rebecca give em tasks so many bats to card or so much spinnin' to do.