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"Every time I blooming well kissed 'em, arter I bin an' picked 'em up," he declared. "You did that?" she quavered, marvelling at the greatness of his nature. "Look in me jacket pocket if you think I'm spinnin' you fairy ones." His close arm slackened a little. "Now there's somethin' I got to up an' tell, if you never tips me the 'Ow Do no more." "Wot is it, deer?" Her heart beat painfully.

Jope interposed, "I've a notion to hear the rest o' the story some other evenin'. It's it's agreeable enough to bear spinnin' out, an' I understand you're a fixture in this neighbourhood." "Certainly," said Mr. Coyne, rising. "But wot about you?" "I'll tell you to-morrow." Mr. Jope gripped the arms of his chair, having uttered the bravest speech of his life.

Well, I'd got the main- halliards led aft to where I was sittin', and as they closed, I gently sways the sail up, a few inches at a time, and keeps grad'lly away, until we was all spinnin' away dead to the south'ard, they paddlin' like fury, and I just keepin' far enough ahead to be out of range of their harrers.

But I don't like to waste my wisdom, Starbuck. Look, here, don't you know the right to ruin you has come down to me from my folks, like er old spinnin' wheel? It's a fact, and you know it. But I don't want to do it if I can help it. I know I would make yo' daughter a good husband, but frum what I kin gether she wouldn't wipe her feet on me."