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"My opinion?" said Richling, with a smile. "My opinion is that the Parish Prison would not be a good place to raise a family." Narcisse laughed. "I thing yo' opinion is co'ect," he said, flatteringly; then growing instantly serious, he added, "Yesseh, I think you' about a-'ight, Mistoo Itchlin; faw even if 'twas not too 'umid, 'twould be too confining, in fact, speshly faw child'en.

"Ay! that they are, my lad; they'll want a shilling to row you aboard, or perhaps as you're a orficer, like, they'll want two shillings." Bob's heart sank. "But thruppence is plenty, speshly as you ain't got no kit." Bob's spirits rose again, and the man began to whistle a very doleful tune, but left off in a minute or two. "Like holidays?" he said suddenly. "Yes, very much."

"Nay, he's an old 'un, sir, in wickedness." "Hazel is no good. I'd take old broomsticks to him," cried Tom indignantly. "Oh, I do hate a thief." "Ay, sir, that comes nat'ral, 'speshly a thief as comes robbin' of a garden.

"'You take dis yer sweet'n' 'tater, sez she, 'I done goophered it 'speshly fer dat noo nigger, so you better not eat it yo'se'f er you'll wush you had n', en slip off ter town, en fin' dat strange man, en gib 'im dis yer sweet'n' 'tater. He mus' eat it befo' mawnin', sho', ef he doan wanter be sol' erway ter Noo Orleens.

Think we shall be in time?" "I don't know, Jem. I was in such trouble about you that I had almost forgotten the people at the village." "So had I. Pain always makes me forget everything, 'speshly toothache. Why, that's the right way," he cried, as they turned the corner of a steep bluff. "Yes, and in a quarter of an hour we can be there; that is, if you can walk fast?"

"`Golly, massa! he said to me after a couple or so of attempts that proved fruitless to ingratiate himself into the confidence of the gang, `you just wait; I catch dem black raskils nappin' by-an'-bye, you see, massa. You see, "speshly dat tarn markiss!"

'Sides dat, w'en Sis' Becky had be'n on de plantation, she had useter he'p Aun' Nancy wid de young uns ebenin's en Sundays; en Aun' Nancy 'mence' ter miss 'er monst'us, 'speshly sence she got a tech er de rheumatiz herse'f, en so she 'lows ter ole Aun' Peggy one day: "'Aun' Peggy, ain' dey no way you kin fetch Sis' Becky back home? "'Huh! sez Aun' Peggy, 'I dunno 'bout dat.

"De nex' mawnin' de man wuz foun' dead. Dey wuz a great 'miration made 'bout it, but Dan did n' say nuffin, en none er de yuther niggers had n' seed de fight, so dey wa'n't no way ter tell who done de killin'. En bein' ez it wuz a free nigger, en dey wa'n't no w'ite folks 'speshly int'rusted, dey wa'n't nuffin done 'bout it, en de cunjuh man come en tuk his son en kyared 'im 'way en buried 'im.

"W'en Kunnel Pen'leton got dis letter he wuz madder 'n he wuz befo', 'speshly 'ca'se dis man 'lowed he did n' know how ter take keer er fine hosses. But he could n' do nuffin but fetch a lawsuit, en he knowed, by his own 'spe'ience, dat lawsuits wuz slow ez de seben-yeah eetch and cos' mo' d'n dey come ter, en he 'lowed he better go slow en wait awhile.