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Ha Daddy, do, yah, nah beg you tell dem people for me; make dem Sally-own pussin know. Do yah. Berrah well. Ah lib nah Pademba Road one bwoy lib dah oberside lakah dem two Docter lib overside you Tampin office. Berrah well. Dah bwoy head big too much he say nah Militie Ban he got one long long ting so so brass, someting lib dah go flip flap, dem call am key. Berrah well. Had!

"The detonation of bursting trees far in the wood," he began, only to be interrupted. "Non, non! not zee trees, but rifles, look dere, m'sieu, someting ees happening." It certainly seemed so. The sled which had almost reached the bluff, had swung from it again, and had turned towards the open lake.

On reaching the spot where Cudjo was, I found him bending over a crevice or hole in the ground, from which protruded an object very much like the tail of a pig. "`What is it, Cudjo? I asked. "`Don't know, Massa. Varmint I never see in Vaginny looks someting like de ole 'possum. "`Catch hold of the tail, and pull him out, said I. "`Lor! Massa Roff, I've tried ma best, but can't fetch 'im no how.

Massa Easy, I feel I feel what I am," continued Mesty, striking his bosom, "I feel it here for all first time since I leave my country, I feel that I am someting; but, Massa Easy, I love my friend as much as I hate my enemy and you nebber submit to me I too proud to allow dat, 'cause, Massa Easy I am a man and once, I was a prince."

Den I get into water and swim off to a ship one dat I had noticed had a flag which was not Spanish. Dere was a boat alongside. I climb into it and pull myself up by the rope on deck. Den some white men seize me and say someting in language which I not understand. Den dey take me into cabin and say someting to captain; me not know what it was, but de captain laugh, and me not like his laugh at all.

"A small bedroom, my coffee in the morning, and my dinner both served in my room on a tray." "Yes, I see; dot's it. She charge about tree dollars for de tray. I find you someting better as dot. Kitty Cleary has a room you don't know Kitty? Vell, you ought to begin right avay. Dot's vun voman you don't ever see again. She vas in here last night, after you left, looking for her man Mike.

You go out and play in de sunshine and let me take care of dis hip." "Who the dickens are you?" asked Dr. Lord, looking at him as though he thought he were an escaped lunatic. "Dis is who I am," replied Dr. Hoffman, handing him a card. "I vas in eighteen-ninety-five by de Staatsklinick in Berlin." Dr. Lord fell back respectfully. "I know someting about dot Missis Sahvah's bones," went on Dr.

Howeber, dey give me someting to eat, and den take me down into hold of ship and tell me to go to sleep on some sacks of sugar, and throw some empty sacks ober me to cover me. Den dey close up hatch and leab me alone. "When I come on deck de land was gone and de vessel sailing along. I speak to no one, for I only understand little Spanish, and dese people not speak dat.

Basset started, and strained his eyes through the darkness in the direction indicated, but could discover nothing. The vision of Primus and Gladding was better. "Don't ye see someting," said the former, lowering his voice, "right under de bank. I can't just see de shape, but it seem as if it swim in de air widout legs. You eyes is younger, Missa Gladding; guess dey see furder dan mine."

Court, you find ze goods where I tell you; hih! hih! you dig um up, an' give dis poor little wretch someting for his information."