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The scornful clerk introduced Mary as a young lady inquiring about some place in the bad-lands. Off came the sombrero with a sweep, and Lone Tooth smiled in a way that accented the dental solitaire to which he owed his name. Miss Carmichael, concealing her terror of this casual cavalier, inquired if he could tell her the distance to Lost Trail. "I sho’ly can, and with, consid’able pleasure."

Among eight or ten American birds of as many kinds, the solitaire, or, as he is called, the clarin, reminds one of a person of high degree among the common herd. This may sound absurd; but such is the reserve of his manner, the dignity of his bearing, the mystery of his utterances, and the unapproachable beauty of his song, that the comparison is irresistible.

We'll pick up my luggage from the Billy as we go by, I was sailing on her for Babo in the morning." Deacon shook hands all around, after receiving a final pledge of good luck on Karo-Karo. "Does Tom Butler play cards?" he asked Grief. "Solitaire," was the answer. "Then I'll teach him double solitaire."

A week afterward I butted up against one of the one-dollar bills the baker had given the woman for change. "Hallo, E35039669," says I, "weren't you in the change for me in a bakery last Saturday night?" "Yep," says the solitaire in his free and easy style. "How did the deal turn out?" I asked. "She blew E17051431 for mills and round steak," says the one-spot. "She kept me till the rent man came.

I did know: I had had all I wanted to keep from being smashed myself the night I crossed to La Chance. I nodded, and Billy choked. "It it kind of sickened me this morning; I liked Thompson, Mr. Stretton!" So had I, if I had laughed at his eternal solitaire. Billy and I laid him on the bed, decently, after we had done what we could for him.

Look at this brilliant, which sparkles and shines more brightly than ever did a look of love from any human eye." He presented to Gotzkowsky a costly solitaire diamond, and continued: "Be so kind and grant us the favor of accepting this present. It is a diamond of the first water." "It is a petrified tear of joy," interrupted Itzig, "shed by us on our delivery by you from taxation.

It was the same old story of a man who refused to tell his wife the outcome of a business transaction in which, naturally, she took a deep interest. "No," he sneered, "I won't tell you. If I did you'd repeat it. You women can never keep a secret." "John," said the woman quietly, "have I ever told the secret about the solitaire engagement ring you gave me eighteen years ago being paste?"

At that instant he caught sight by chance of her ungloved left hand. Again he observed that the solitaire was missing. His eyes flashed to hers. A sudden hope was born in his heart. He drew the horse to a halt. "Are you telling me that ? What about Don Manuel?" he demanded. Now that the crisis was upon her, she would have evaded it if she could. Her long lashes fluttered to the hot cheeks.

"Yes, yes, Anne! Let me look!" cried Eleanor, jumping up from the grass where Polly and she had thrown themselves. Anne, with an embarrassed laugh, held forth her left hand and displayed a beautiful solitaire. "Ahhs!" and "Ohs" and other exclamations of admiration pleased John and Anne mightly, and both felt that this mundane life was really a Paradise.

Can't you see India the hot sun the Kipling local color a silent, tanned, handsome man eternally playing solitaire on the porch of the barracks? Has the barracks a porch?" Roused, humiliated, baffled, Mr. Magee felt his cheeks burn. "We shall see what we shall see," he muttered. "Why coin the inevitable into a bromide," she asked. Mr. Magee joined the group by the fire.