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Updated: August 1, 2024

If anything could induce me to be a damn Yankee 'twould be them guns of their'n! Yes, sirree, bob! we fought and fought, and ten o'clock came and there wasn't any moon, and we stopped. And in the night-time the damn Yankees continued to retreat away. There was an awful noise of gun-wheels all the night long so the sentries said, and the surgeons and the wounded and, I reckon, the generals.

"Yes sirree; a steamboat that was on its course many miles off, on hearing the lobster's wails thought that this might be the signal of some shipwrecked crew; it drew near the island, picked me up, and in a few days I was back with my company." As he finished his tale Don Alonso made a most expressive grimace, and left with his Infiel Tower for the street.

"Well, now," he would say, "you take this year's wheat crop, with about 917,000,000 bushels of wheat harvested, why, that's what's going to win the war! Yes, sirree! No wheat, no winning, that's what I say." "Ya-as, it is!" the city men would scoff. But the queer part of it is that Farmer Ben was right. Minnie got into the habit of using him as a sort of nursemaid.

The boy couldn't have amused himself none with these court proceedings, because they come high. I call 'em luxuries, like brandied peaches an' silk undershirts. "I don't trust these Jim Crow banks no more than I do lawyers, neither. No, sirree! I bought a iron safe an' hauled it out to the mine. She weighs eighteen hundred, and we keep our money locked up there.

"I reckon we're going to have war, Silas," said he, slowly; "but don't you think that your Mr. Lincoln scares me into that belief. I don't count his bluster worth a cent. No sirree! It's this youngster who comes out here from Boston and buys a nigger with all the money he's got in the world. And if he's an impetuous young fool; I'm no judge of men."

The instant he raised it above his head to strike Frank, Mr Lathrope catching sight of it, had "drawn a bead on it," as he would have expressed it, without delay. "No, sirree, I guess not, as long as old Zach hain't forgot to handle the shootin'-irons!" he continued. "I fancy, mister, I've spiled your murdering little game; an' now we'll go in for a rough and tumble, I opine!"

First place, I'd think the world was comin' to an end, and second place, I guess I'd be glad it was. No, sirree, I don't want to see whisky goin' down a woman's gullet. But that don't explain how they come to git along without it when they've got the aguer. They won't even take it when a rattlesnake bites 'em. Sooner die.

"I have been in Bohemia," he said, "zhenuine old Bohemia where hearts are true and eyes are blue and ev'body loves ev'body else. Down there a handclasp is a pledzh of loyalty. There's no hypocrisy in Bohemia not a dambit. No, sirree. The idle rish with their shnobberies and worship of mere mere someshing or oth' have no place in Bohemia, for in Bohemia hearsh are true and wine is blue and "

The tree under which the answer was to be left and the money later on was close to the road fence with big, bare fields on all sides. If a gang of constables should be watching for any one to come for the note, they could see him a long way off crossing the fields or in the road. But no, sirree!

"'There you are again, said Street, 'that is a covered joke at a tailor being only the ninth part of one. I pass it over this time, but let's have no more of it. "'No, Sirree, no, said boss, 'on honour now, I didn't mean it. And I say, too, let there be no more of it." "Not a bad story!" said the doctor.

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