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An' they tell me, him and his women gat the ship safely into port, and the folk shooted, 'Bravo, Jimmy Stone! They said he was a hard swearer, but a brave, clever fellow, and aa said when aa hard it, 'Whaat aboot the dog? The ship was selled, and Jimmy gat summit whaat de they caal it salvage, aa think. They say he's worth lots o' money." "But whaat did they say aboot the dog?" said Tom.

Ebony, the faithful and sable servitor of the family, got hold of Orlando as soon as his poor mother would let him go, and hurried him off to a certain nook in the neighbouring palm-grove where he was wont to retire at times for meditation. "You's quite sure yous fadder was not shooted?" he began, in gasping anxiety, when he had forced the boy down on a grassy bank.

'She thowt she heerd soombody fleytin' and callin' it was t' wind came skirlin' round t' place, an' she aw' but thrown hirsel' oot o' t' bed, an' aa shooted for Jim, and they came, and they and I it's bin as much as we could a' du to hod 'er. 'Luke! Steady! exclaimed Jim. 'She'll try it again. For the hands were moving restlessly from side to side, and the face was working again.

"Oh, yes, I had a sling, Uncle Joel, and once I shooted a bear with it and a Indian." "I guess you haven't been very well brought up," rebuked Joel, who like most people of his type was quite unable to distinguish between the gambols of the creative imagination and deliberate falsifying. "Don't you know where little girls go when they tell lies?"

Making as much as possible of the raconteur's privileges of clearing his throat, settling himself into good position, and gazing dreamily at the tree-tops for inspiration, he began in a slow, measured voice "In ze pass he stood. Zen gomed his enemies. He fired his gon and shooted some dead. Zen did zey run avay. Zat vas vat happened."

Why, it am a bit o' salt pork, an' a bit o' dat bear you shooted troo de nose yes'rday, an' a junk o' walrus, an' two puffins, an' some injin corn, a leetil pepper, an' a leetil salt." "Good, that sounds well," said Leo. "I'll go fetch you some more driftwood, for it'll take a deal of boiling, that will, to make it eatable."

"It jest shooted itself!" said Pomp, in whom the old lady's words inspired a vague feeling of alarm. "I 'clare to gracious, Mass' Morton, it did!" "Didn't you have the gun in your hand, Pomp? Where did you get it?" "I jest borrered it of Mass' Frank, to play sojer a little while," said Pomp reluctantly. "Does he know that you have got it?"

Roderick found out what it really meant. We were in a hurry to have Katty go, and to begin, after we had made up our minds; and it was with the serenest composure that Mrs. Holabird received her remark that "her week would be up a-Tuesday, an' she hoped agin then we'd be shooted wid a girl."

Dermot and Muriel anxiously awaiting him. "Mumsie! Hallo, Mumsie! Here's me. Fwank shooted bad dog," cried Eileen, waving her arms and kicking her bearer violently in her excitement. "Yes, Mumsie, Frank killded the nasty dog that wanted to eat us," added Brian. Wargrave passed the children over the wall into the anxious arms outstretched for them, then vaulted into the garden.

In the morning when Bucephalus came with the mail he quite astonished the boys by announcing: "Dem robbers was at deir wo'k again las' night, down at de bank on de river an' one of dem was shooted bad an' am in jail, so dey tell me down at de station." "Tried to rob the bank again, did they?" cried one or two of the boys excitedly.