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Behaved beautifully, indeed. I was watching them. It's not a matter to take to heart, Colonel. As some German General said of his men, 'they wanted to be shooted over a little, that was all. To himself he said: 'Now they're blooded I can give 'em responsible work. It's as well that they got what they did. 'Teach 'em more than half a dozen rifle flirtations, that will later run alone and bite.

Shall I tell 'em we don't want their acquaintance?" "Tell 'em they're a set o' lyin' thieves," said Big Waller. "I guess we'll have nothin' to say to 'em wotiver." "Oui, et give to dem mine complements," added Gibault, "an' say we ver' moch 'blige by dere goodness, mais dey vill all be shooted if dey not go away queek."

Suddenly his face brightened up, and he answered. "I'd run away just as fast as I could." All laughed at this, and Frank said: "But that wouldn't be acting like a brave soldier, Charlie. You ought to stay and make the enemy run." "I wouldn't want to stay and be shooted," said Charlie ingenuously. "There are many older than Charlie," said Mr.

"Good! den der's a chance yous fadder's alive, for if de no hab shooted him at first, de no hab de heart to shoot him arterwards. No, he'd smile away der wikitness; de couldn' do it."

I'se shooted old Harney!" and Mug, overcome with excitement, rolled upon the floor like an India rubber ball. It was true, as Mug had said.

They pulled the boat through monster seas, and the brute was cursin' at the women aal the way until they gat alangside, when the captain said, 'Ma ship's sinkin'. The crew were telled to jump into the boat smart, and as syen as the captain said, 'We're aal heor, Jimmy sprang aboard like a cat, cast the boat adrift, shooted to his wife, 'She's mine!