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Updated: August 4, 2024

"Entirely tranquil in intellect for the possibility of King-y-Yang's intention being in any way other than what he had represented it to be did not arise within Sen's ingenuous mind the person in question cheerfully set forth on his long but unavoidable march towards the region of Yun.

"Quite right, friend Wang, one of them was missing; but one duck is of little importance. Why do you speak of it?" "What, no importance! losing a duck? How can you say so? A duck's a duck, isn't it, and surely you would like to know how you lost it?" "A hawk most likely." "No, it wasn't a hawk, but if you would go and look in old Sen's duck yard, you would likely find feathers."

This remark Sen's ingenuous nature led him to regard as a definite fact, so that when a passer-by, who tarried to examine the boxes chanced to remark that the colours might have been arranged to greater advantage, in which case he would certainly have purchased at least one of the articles, Sen hastened back, although in a distant part of the city, to inform King-y-Yang of the suggestion, adding that he himself had been favourably impressed with the improvement which could be effected by such an alteration.

I went to your house, and they said most likely I'd find you up here. Just jump in and we'll drive right down." Ralph looked up inquiringly at Bachelor Billy. "Go on, lad," he said; "when the mither sen's for ye, ye mus' go." Ralph climbed up into the buggy. "Good-by, Uncle Billy," he called out, as they started away down the hill. Bachelor Billy did not answer.

And now cautiously, inch by inch, he was raising the window; and in another moment, in obedience to his whisper, the bound wrists were thrust within his reach, and he was severing the cords with his knife. "Thank God!" breathed Jimmie Dale fervently. "Now jump across the yard the door of Foo Sen's shed it's open quick "

Haith, ye wadna du anither stroke for 'im!" "It's for the siller, no for HIM, Grizzie. But gien he war as ill as ye ca' 'im, a' the same, as ye weel ken, the Lord maks his sun to rise on the evil an' on the good, an' sen's rain on the just an' on the unjust!" "Ow ay! the Lord can afoord it!" remarked Grizzie. "An' them 'at wad be his, maun afoord it tu, Grizzie!" returned Cosmo.

So 'less'n you comes fer dat, you neenter come back ter see me no mo' 'tel I sen's fer you. "So Aun' Peggy sont Aun' Nancy erway, en de fus' thing she done wuz ter call a hawnet fum a nes' unner her eaves. "You go up ter Kunnel Pen'leton's stable, hawnet, sez she, 'en sting de knees er de race hoss name' Lightnin' Bug. Be sho' en git de right one.

Wha daur luik for a better fate nor that o' the Lord himsel'! But there was them 'at by faith obtained kingdoms, as weel as them wha by faith were sawn asunder: they war baith martyrdoms; an' whatever God sen's, we s' tak." "Then you accept the two hundred for croft and all, father?" "Dinna ettle at a penny more; he micht gang back upo' 't. Regaird it as his final offer."

An' God knows I didn' know what had become er 'im, 'tel he run away de yuther time an' dey tuck 'im an' sent 'im back again. An' he hadn' done nothin' de fus' time, suh, but de Lawd know w'at he won' do ef dey sen's 'im back any mo'." Catharine had put her apron to her eyes and was sobbing bitterly. The story was probably true.

The occasion of another split was found in the marriage of Chunder Sen's daughter to the young Maharaja of Cooch Behar, in 1876. Chunder Sen had worked heroically for the enactment of a new marriage law for the members of the Brahmo Somaj, whereby no bride should be married before fourteen and no bridegroom under eighteen years of age.

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