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Updated: August 12, 2024

Then Winnie S. breathed a sigh of thankfulness. "Well, we're out of that stretch of woods, anyhow," he declared. "And it 'tain't rainin' so hard, nuther. Cal'late we can get to civilization if that breechin' holds and the pesky wheel don't come off. How are you, in aft there; tolerable snug?" Emily said nothing. Aunt Thankful chuckled at the word. "Snug!" she repeated. "My, yes!

Yip! whoops Billings. 'Come on in, fellers! The water's fine! Yow! Y-e-e-e! Yip! "For a second it left off rainin' sand, and there was a typhoon of mud and spray. I see a million of the prettiest rainbows that is, I cal'lated there was a million; it's awful hard to count when you're bouncin' and prayin' and drowndin' all to once.

The mortgage, or an 'invention' or somethin', was on board the bark and just naturally took a short cut for home, way I figgered it out. But, Jim, you ought to have seen that hero! He peeled off his ileskin-slicker he'd kept it on all through the sunshine, but now, when 'twas rainin' and rainin' and wreckin' and thunderin', he shed it and jumped in and saved all hands and the ship's cat.

Jack said under his breath, holding the whole of his umbrella now over the girl instead of half, while the agent replied, "Walk to Widder Biggs's! I'd say not. It's two good miles from here. You'll have to sit in the depot till it stops rainin' a little, and I'll find you a place till mornin'. Tim Biggs was here when the train or'to of come, and said he was expectin' a schoolmarm. Be you her?"

I wouldn't be none surprised to see the weather rainin' eggs before you get back." Smoke found Wild Water at the M. & M., and a stormy half-hour ensued. "I warn you we've picked up some more eggs," Smoke said, after Wild Water had agreed to bring his dust to the cabin at two o'clock and pay on delivery. "You're luckier at finding eggs than me," Wild Water admitted.

He felt for his leather wallet and handed Bruce the clipping. "Don't skip any," he said acidly. "It's worth a careful peruse." There was a little likelihood of that after Bruce had read the headlines. "I hopes you takes special note of tears of gratitude rainin' down my withered cheeks," said Uncle Bill savagely, "I relishes bein' published over the world as a sobbin' infant."

The sheltered drives and smooth windin' roads wuz gay with passers-by, and the seen wuz beautiful, but I wuz sad and deprested about one thing. King Edward is a real good natered man, and a good pervider, and seems to set store by America. And Queen Alexandra is a sweet, good woman. But still in these last hours I kep' thinkin' of Edwardses' Ma, who was rainin' here durin' my last visit.

"Well, us uns'll have to keep our clacks shut 'bout 'is bein' here, then," she acquiesced, "an' an' Andy'll have to keep in the garret till the man in Auburn coughs up, that air all, huh?... He can come down sometimes when it air a rainin' hard or dark nights when there ain't nobody around, an' an' darlin', ye can offen chat with 'im when I air outside watchin' fer folks.... Now, can't ye, Daddy?"

"Well, I drifted an' drifted without knowin' where I was driftin', till finally I seen a shore at some distance off an' took the oars an' pulled for it, havin' somethin' to think of now. "It was still a-rainin', but I didn't care for that now, but just pulled for shore till it got dark again and stopped rainin', which was a comfort.

Armstrong here Say, she's some peach, ain't she! she ain't seen me more'n half a dozen times, but here she is beggin' me to fetch her my photograph. 'It's rainin' pretty hard, to-day, I says. 'Won't it do if I fetch it to-morrow? But no, she " Jed held up a protesting hand. "I don't doubt she wants your photograph, Philander," he drawled. "Your kind of face is rare.

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