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Updated: August 6, 2024

Blake sighed drowsily, and stretched out again on the flat of his back. Within a minute he was fast asleep. At dawn they roused him out of his drugged sleep and gave him a showerbath and rubdown that brought a healthy glow to his cold skin. He turned pale at the mere mention of food, but after a drink of quassia, Griffith induced him to take a cup of clear coffee and some thickly buttered toast.

I may mention in passing that tobacco is quite fatal to almost all insects, a fact which I present gratuitously to the blowers of counterblasts, who are at liberty to make whatever use they choose of it. Quassia and aloes are also well-known preventives of fly or blight in gardens.

Besides, he was piqued in honour to show that he himself was not governed by womankind "Sit ye down, sit ye down, sit ye down, man," he reiterated; "an ye part so, I would I might never draw a cork again, and here comes out one from a prime bottle of strong ale right anno domini none of your Wassia Quassia decoctions, but brewed of Monkbarns barley John of the Girnel never drew a better flagon to entertain a wandering minstrel, or palmer, with the freshest news from Palestine. And to remove from your mind the slightest wish to depart, know, that if you do so, your character as a gallant knight is gone for ever.

He hesitated, then reluctantly took the glass and began to sip the quassia. After the last swallow, he turned sullenly to Griffith. "Well, what you waiting for? Get a move on you." "It does help, doesn't it?" interposed Lord James. Blake muttered something behind his lips that the others chose to take for assent. "Yes, it's the real thing," said Griffith. "Try another, Tommy, same way." "Another?

We find among rubiaceous plants, besides the cinchonas and exostemas, the Coutarea speciosa or Cayenne bark, the Portlandia grandiflora of the West Indies, another portlandia discovered by M. Sesse at Mexico, the Pinkneia pubescens of the United States, the berry of the coffee-tree, and perhaps the Macrocnemum corymbosum, and the Guettarda coccinea; among magnoliaceous plants, the tulip-tree and the Magnolia glauca; among zanthoxylaceous plants, the Cuspare of Angostura, known in America under the name of Orinoco bark, and the Zanthoxylon caribaeum; among leguminous plants, the geoffraeas, the Swietenia febrifuga, the Aeschynomene grandiflora, the Caesalpina bonducella; among caprifoliaceous plants, the Cornus florida and the Cuspa of Cumana; among rosaceous plants, the Cerasus virginiana and the Geum urbanum; among amentaceous plants, the willows, oaks, and birch-trees, of which the alcoholic tincture is used in Russia by the common people; the Populus tremuloides, etc.; among anonaceous plants, the Uvaria febrifuga, the fruit of which we saw administered with success in the Missions of Spanish Guiana; among simarubaceous plants, the Quassia amara, celebrated in the feverish plains of Surinam; among terebinthaceous plants, the Rhus glabrum; among euphorbiaceous plants, the Croton cascarilla; among composite plants, the Eupatorium perfoliatum, the febrifuge qualities of which are known to the savages of North America.

"That's all right, Tommy, we understand how it is. But we've got hold of it this time. You'll never quit if you can help it, and we know now you can help it, with this quassia to keep your throat from sizzling. Here's your bromide." Blake gulped down the dose, but muttered despondently: "What's the use? You know you can't head me off for keeps, once I'm as far under way as I've got to-day.

An instant later the glass shattered to fragments on the floor, and Blake's fist flung out toward Griffith. "Quassia!" he growled. "You dotty old idiot! Needn't think you're going to head me off this soon!" Griffith set the tray on his bed, and crossing to the door, locked it and put the key in his pocket. "Now, Tommy," he croaked, "you've got just two friends that I know of. They're here.

Besides, he was piqued in honour to show that he himself was not governed by womankind "Sit ye down, sit ye down, sit ye down, man," he reiterated; "an ye part so, I would I might never draw a cork again, and here comes out one from a prime bottle of strong ale right anno domini none of your Wassia Quassia decoctions, but brewed of Monkbarns barley John of the Girnel never drew a better flagon to entertain a wandering minstrel, or palmer, with the freshest news from Palestine. And to remove from your mind the slightest wish to depart, know, that if you do so, your character as a gallant knight is gone for ever.

Wal, ye see, Quassia she got Cinthy to come up and spend a week to the Cap'n Brown house, a doin' tailorin' and a fixin' over his close: 'twas along toward the fust o' March.

Old Cap'n Brown was a good stout, stocky kind o' John Bull sort o' fellow, and a good judge o' sperits, and allers kep' the best in them are cupboards o' his'n; but, fust and last, things in his house went pretty much as old Quassia said. "Folks got to kind o' respectin' Quassia.

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