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Updated: August 28, 2024

"Indeed, he is so far gone that I don't know how to lave him while I'm providin' a home for him to die in." "That is already done," replied O'Brien. "Una did not forget it. They have a house near ours, furnished with everything that can contribute to their comfort."

"Said he would," says I, "providin' him and the little girl could be shipped to Australia." She chews that over a minute. "That's cheap enough," says she. "I could claim I'd remembered putting the money somewhere and forgotten. Young man, it's a bargain. I'll have my lawyer go down and " "Say," I breaks in, "why fat up a lawyer? Let's settle this between you and me." "But how?" says she.

I run off from my folks cause they kept staying there. I was a child and don't recollect much 'bout slavery. I was at the quarters wid all the children. My mother b'longed to Bob Plat and my father to a man named Rogers. My father could get a pass and come to see us every Sunday providin' he didn't go nowhere else or stop long the road. He came early and stay till bedtime. We all run to meet him.

It would take up their minds, and kep 'em out of vittles and other mischief. It wuz somethin' like providin' a circus for 'em. But howsumever, the Deacon wuz a-workin' at this; he wuzn't quite satisfied with its runnin' gear, and he wuz a-perfectin' this rat trap every leisure minute he had outside of his buzz saw and threshin' machine business, and so he wuz fearful busy.

As for the billiard-roomers providin' any jine they've never been known to vote for anybody but themselves. I can't see no light yet nothin' but fog. "He winks, sly and profound. 'That's all right, says he. 'Fisher and I have planned that. You watch! "Sure enough, they had.

She has been thinkin', she says, and she has come to the conclusion that our providin' for her as we have done isn't charity or needn't be considered as charity at all. She is willin' to consider it a part of that precious restitution she's forever talkin' about. We are to take care of her, and pay her doctor's bills, and take her into the country as he recommends, and " I interrupted.

Under these circumstances, it would seem to be best to allow him to go free, providing he makes a clean breast of everything he knows concerning this case." "And further providin'," supplemented Ham, "that he be warned never ag'in tew show his cowardly face in Sacermento City or any minin'-camp in Calaforny, under penalty of instant hangin'."

"Well, now," he said after a moment's meditation, "now I don't see why it can't be arranged some way. There's more'n one way sometimes to do things. I don't know I don't know but I think I can see a way we could manage that providin' ach, we'll just wait once, mebbe it'll come out right." Mrs. Reist looked at her brother. What did he mean? He stammered and smiled like a foolish schoolboy.

"Yeh needn't hitch him too tight in Tumble-dick camp, Hackett, providin' you hide the most of his clothes an' it looks like a storm comin' on. If he wants to duck out away from a good home into the woods, with grub an' fire twenty-five miles away, why, that's his own lookout." The man licked his lips nervously. "That ain't our liability, yeh knew." The man pondered.

Now we've done got tergither over thar an' they've despatched me hyar ter give ye our message an' take back yore answer." "Thet is ter say," amended the firebrand with significant irony, "providin' we concludes ter let ye take back any message atall." Thornton did not turn his head but held with his eyes the faces of old Jim and Hump Doane and it was still to them that he addressed himself.

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